Bushenyi District Leaders Call for Lifting of Recruitment Ban Amid Healthcare Staffing Crisis – The Ankole Times

Bushenyi District Leaders Call for Lifting of Recruitment Ban Amid Healthcare Staffing Crisis

Monday, April 15, 2024
Ishaka Town
Nahwera Annah
3 Min Read

Bushenyi District leaders are urging for the lifting of a recruitment ban as the shortage of healthcare personnel continues to cripple health services in the region.

Despite the increasing number of patients seeking medical attention in Bushenyi’s health centers, authorities highlight the persistent challenge of understaffing. Dr. Edward Mwesigye, the District Health Officer, revealed that the district’s local government employs only 245 staff in the health sector, far below the required 741, representing just 33.1% of the needed workforce. Similarly, Bushenyi Ishaka municipality is operating with only 51 health workers out of the required 77, standing at 61%.

The district boasts a total of 26 health centers, including two health center IVs, 10 health center IIIs, and 14 health center IIs, catering to populations from various areas such as Kyabugumbi, Kyeizooba, Ruhumuro, Nkanga, Ibaare, Nyakabirizi, Central Division, Ishaka, among others. Shockingly, 591 pregnant women undergo cesarean sections annually at the two health center IVs, underscoring the absence of a hospital in the district, as opposed to the planned capacity of 450 cases.

Dr. Mwesigye stressed that health workers are overwhelmed, often working longer hours than expected, leading to immense stress. He cited instances where essential staff, like laboratory attendants, are understaffed, further exacerbating the strain on existing personnel.

Jaffari Bassajabalaba, the Bushenyi District Chairman, pointed out that even health centers recently upgraded to health center IIIs, such as Rutooma in Rwentuha Town Council, Kasambya in Bitooma, and Kibazi in Kyamuhunga, are operating with minimal or no staff. This shortage of personnel is adversely affecting the overall health sector, he emphasized.

A recent report by the Auditor General highlighted the dire situation, revealing that a significant number of approved positions across various government ministries, departments, agencies, and local governments have remained vacant for over two years.

Catherine Mujuni, an expectant mother at Bushenyi Health Center IV, lamented the long waiting times due to insufficient midwives at the maternity ward, reflecting the daily struggles faced by patients.

Mr. John Nyakahuma, the Bushenyi District Chief Administrative Officer, attributed the staffing crisis to a recruitment ban imposed throughout the last financial year. He explained that despite available wages, the ban prevents the filling of vacant positions, exacerbating the employment gap in the civil service.

Bassajabalaba urged the government to lift the recruitment ban promptly, allowing local governments to hire more staff and address the critical shortage, not only in the health sector but also across other sectors.

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