Farming in Uganda: Where ARVs are for Pigs, Not People – The Ankole Times

Farming in Uganda: Where ARVs are for Pigs, Not People

Friday, September 8, 2023
PHOTO - Courtesy - When Pigs Fly... on ARVs: A Ugandan Farming Fiasco
Rothschild Jobi
4 Min Read

Some farmers in Uganda have resorted to using antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to beef up their livestock. Forget about feeding them properly; now, it’s all about medicating the animals. Why? Because animal feed prices in Uganda have apparently reached the heavens.

Mr. Stephen Magume, the principal of agricultural extension and skills management at the ministry, has let the cat out of the bag. He claims that the stratospheric prices of animal feed have driven farmers to employ AIDS medicines to give their animals and chickens that desirable “fast food” physique.

“It’s been quite a ride lately, people. Maize bran and soya prices have skyrocketed so high that a kilogram of mixed food elements, complete with a sprinkle of maize bran, has reached a staggering Shs1,600. That’s the price of a small car! Ordinary farmers can’t afford that,” Mr. Magume declared with a straight face, or so we assume.

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According to Mr. Magume, the quality of the available animal feeds is nothing short of abysmal. They don’t help animals or poultry mature faster or fatten up properly. So, what’s a desperate farmer to do? Naturally, turn to ARVs. Because in Uganda, apparently, ARVs are the equivalent of steroids for pigs and chickens. Who knew?

“It’s a real head-scratcher. The misguided belief is that if you feed these critters ARVs, they’ll turn into bodybuilders overnight. Traders are just dying for supersized pigs and chickens,” Mr. Magume continued, shaking his head in disbelief.

In a plot twist that’s hard to believe, Uganda is currently grappling with a feed shortage crisis. Mr. Magume, unfortunately, didn’t grace us with import and intake deficit figures. However, he did mention that they’re now on a quest for the Holy Grail of food formulation.

Dr. Yazidhi Bamutaze, the deputy principal of the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at Makerere University, couldn’t resist chiming in. He blamed this ARV escapade on farmers’ frustration with the stratospheric feed costs. He also had the audacity to condemn the misuse of ARVs and suggested we explore more sensible solutions for our farmers.

“We, the intellectuals in the ivory towers of academia, need to show these farmers that you don’t need ARVs to get plump, juicy livestock. We should strive for innovation and prove that you can achieve better yields without resorting to a pharmaceutical frenzy,” Dr. Bamutaze declared, as if it were that simple.

Oh, and before we forget, the Agriculture Ministry recently divulged that they’ve amped up their training efforts. They’re teaching farmers how to concoct the perfect feed mixture, complete with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and even a dash of salt. After all, we can’t have farmers inadvertently poisoning their animals with contaminated post-harvest feed products, now can we?

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The government is also kind enough to throw in some post-harvest handling lessons for good measure. Why? Because heaven forbid that the animal feeds of the future are tainted. Apparently, if we don’t watch out, our livestock will croak, or worse, those who consume their products might suffer from sudden pig-itis or chickenpox.

In an astonishing turn of events, the National Drug Authority finally admitted that they’ve known about this ARV farming fiasco for a whole decade. Why did they keep it hush-hush, you ask? Well, it seems they were more concerned about safeguarding the economy than alarming the public. Yes, you heard it right; ARV-treated pigs were deemed a lesser evil than economic instability. Bravo, NDA, bravo!

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