Uganda Takes Steps to Boost Livestock Productivity with New Animal Feeds Bill – The Ankole Times

Uganda Takes Steps to Boost Livestock Productivity with New Animal Feeds Bill

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Minister Tumwebaze Unveils Comprehensive Animal Feeds Legislation

In a move aimed at revamping the regulation of animal feeds and bolstering the livestock industry, the Ugandan government has introduced the Animal Feeds Bill 2023 in Parliament. This bill outlines a comprehensive legislative framework designed to govern the production, importation, exportation, and labeling of animal feeds. Additionally, it establishes the Animal Feeds Committee, which will oversee and enforce these regulations.

The Minister for Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries, Frank Tumwebaze, formally presented the bill during the parliamentary session on October 25, 2023. Tumwebaze emphasized the crucial role of adequate animal nutrition in addressing the constraints that have hindered Uganda’s livestock production. Notably, he pointed out that animal feeds account for a substantial 70% of production costs, significantly impacting overall profitability.

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The Animal Feeds Bill 2023 extends its purview to include provisions for the registration of premises involved in animal feed production, along with stipulations governing the suspension or revocation of registration certificates under certain circumstances.

Furthermore, the bill seeks to establish the roles of animal feed inspectors and analysts, who will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the new regulations. Animal feeds inspectors will carry out inspections of premises and are authorized to seize any non-compliant animal feeds that contravene the Act’s requirements.

The bill also confers authority upon the Minister to create additional regulations under the Act. These regulations will specify the procedures and forms to be employed in the application for premises registration and licenses for the production, storage, transportation, or sale of animal feeds. The Act will also outline the fees associated with these processes.

Minister Tumwebaze highlighted several challenges currently affecting livestock productivity in Uganda, including prevalent animal diseases, insufficient nutrition for animals, water scarcity in semi-arid areas, inadequate facilities for storing and processing animal feeds, a lack of laboratory resources, and insufficient knowledge and skills regarding animal feed production.

Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa has referred the Animal Feeds Bill to the Committee on Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries for in-depth consideration, marking a crucial step in the legislative process that could have a substantial impact on the country’s livestock industry.

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