FPU Destroys Over 2,000 Kilograms of Immature Fish and Illegal Gear in Masaka – The Ankole Times

FPU Destroys Over 2,000 Kilograms of Immature Fish and Illegal Gear in Masaka

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Fisheries Protection Unit (FPU), a division of the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces (UPDF), has eliminated more than 2,000 kilograms of immature fish and illegal fishing gear in the Greater Masaka region. The operation took place on October 23, 2023, at Ddimo Landing Site.

According to Lt. Emmanuel Muchunguzi, the Public Relations Officer for Greater Masaka FPU Sector, the intercepted immature fish were being transported from various landing sites around Lake Victoria to markets. He estimated that if these fish had reached maturity, they could have generated over Shs1 billion for the national treasury.

During the operation, two suspects were arrested, brought before the court, and subsequently remanded. Lt. Bernard Bahingana, the FPU sector commander, emphasized that their efforts would persist until they eliminate the practice of trading immature fish.

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In Lt. Bahingana’s words, “We have been apprehending fishermen and fishmongers specializing in catching and selling immature fish. In the last four months, we have detained 78 people, with 34 convictions, while 42 individuals using illegal fishing gear remain in remand. Additionally, two individuals transporting the burned immature fish are also in custody.”

The FPU’s operation also resulted in the seizure and destruction of 20,149 illegal fishing nets, including monofilaments and beach seine nets.

Despite requests from residents at Ddimo Landing Site to receive the immature fish for consumption, this was denied by Mr. Godfrey Mujuzi, representing the Masaka District Fisheries Office, who stated that the fish was unfit for human consumption.

Mr. Gerald Kyakkulumbye, the chairperson of Ddimo Landing Site, urged the government to remove taxes on fishing gear to ensure that all fishermen could access them. He argued, “The undersize nets are very affordable and can be obtained through various means. If our local fishermen cannot access the recommended nets, engines, and boat-building materials, they will continue to resort to cheaper, but illicit options.”

A recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries revealed that Uganda loses Shs 483 billion in foreign earnings annually due to illegal fishing practices.

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