Locals and Leaders Raise UGX 140 Million for Modern Market Land in Kapchorwa – The Ankole Times

Locals and Leaders Raise UGX 140 Million for Modern Market Land in Kapchorwa

Friday, October 6, 2023


  • Kapchorwa Modern Market Fundraising Exceeds UGX 140 Million Goal
  • Community Effort Secures Funds for Kapchorwa Modern Market Land
  • Kapchorwa District Gathers 140 Million Shillings for New Modern Market Land

In a recent development, locals and government leaders in Kapchorwa District have collaborated to collect Shs140 million required to purchase a three-acre piece of land for a modern market. The initiative was prompted by a recent incident in which a speeding vehicle narrowly collided with food vendors at Kaserem Trading Centre along the Mbale-Kapchorwa highway.

Kaserem Trading Centre, situated approximately 20 kilometers from Kapchorwa Town, witnesses bustling activities every Wednesday, primarily with local women selling goods along the roadside due to the absence of an officially designated market.

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Mr. Issa Yusuf Chemonges, the chairperson of Kaserem Cooperative Marketing Enterprise, expressed the perilous situation faced by vendors as they operate on the roadside, emphasizing their lack of alternatives. He stated, “We risk selling goods on the roadside, but there is nothing we can do for now until we get a permanent safe place.”

In response, the local community, with the assistance of their Member of Parliament, Mr. Twalla Fadil from Tingey County, initiated a fundraising campaign to acquire a three-acre piece of land for a modern market. During the fundraising event held at Kaserem Primary School on September 16, a total of Shs104 million was collected in cash.

Mr. Twalla Fadil announced their plans to engage with the Ministry of Local Government to oversee the construction of the market, emphasizing the positive impact it would have on trade and livelihoods, particularly in light of ongoing programs like PDM and Emyooga.

Ms. Joan Chemutai, a trader specializing in matooke, expressed her willingness to contribute funds to secure land, emphasizing the importance of preventing accidents. She noted, “On market day, there are more than 800 traders operating on the road.”

The fundraising event was graced by the presence of the Third Deputy Prime Minister, Ms. Rukia Nakadama, who represented the Prime Minister, Ms. Robinah Nabbanja. The Prime Minister personally contributed Shs10 million to the cause.

Sebei MPs, led by the regional chief whip, Mr. William Chemonges from Kween County, and other dignitaries in attendance, made contributions ranging from Shs1 million to Shs10 million.

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Sebei Sub-region, comprising districts of Kapchorwa, Bukwo, and Kween, serves as a significant food supplier to neighboring countries such as Kenya and South Sudan.

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