Mubende's 20 Megawatt Solar Plant Ready for Launch – The Ankole Times

Mubende’s 20 Megawatt Solar Plant Ready for Launch

Friday, March 1, 2024

The Xsabo Group Ltd has announced that the Mubende solar power plant, situated in Kasambya Subcounty, Mubende district, is on track to be commissioned by the conclusion of next month. This significant renewable energy project marks a milestone for both the company and the region.

With a total capacity of 20 megawatts, the Mubende solar plant represents a substantial investment in clean energy infrastructure. The project, which has incurred costs amounting to 21 million dollars, has received financing from the Uganda Development Bank Ltd (UDBL). Notably, this plant is the second of its kind developed and to be operated by Xsabo, following the successful establishment of the Kabulasoke plant in Gombe District.

Upon commissioning, the Nkonge Project aims to supply electricity to the national grid at a rate of 7.1 cents per kilowatt hour, making it one of the most competitively priced solar power sources. Sarah Wesagali Kanaabi, the deputy Executive Director of the Electricity Regulatory Authority, affirmed that this rate is the lowest among all solar plants in the country.

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Kanaabi emphasized the project’s sustainability, highlighting its contributions to various aspects of society and the environment. She underscored the significance of the plant’s eventual transition to government ownership after the expiration of Xsabo’s 20-year contract, underscoring its long-term benefits for the nation.

During a recent inspection visit to the site, Kanaabi expressed satisfaction with the progress of the project. She commended UDBL for its support, noting the alignment of the solar plant with the bank’s sustainability policies, particularly its focus on local ownership and environmental responsibility.

Despite the success of projects like the Mubende solar plant, Kanaabi raised concerns about the abundance of viable initiatives awaiting funding. Many locally owned projects with significant potential remain unrealized due to financial constraints, prompting a call for increased involvement from financial institutions.

The Mubende solar plant, spanning 156 acres of land and comprising 36,000 panels, stands as one of the largest solar installations in East and Central Africa. David Alobo, CEO of Xsabo, highlighted the plant’s advanced features, including state-of-the-art technology such as artificial intelligence-enabled systems that optimize energy generation by tracking the sun’s movement.

Looking ahead, Xsabo Group has ambitious plans for further investment in Uganda’s renewable energy sector. With a planned investment of 200 million dollars, the company aims to expand its capacity to 150 megawatts, with projects like the 50 megawatt Lira plant contributing to this growth trajectory.

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