State Minister Lokeris Reiterates Uganda's Stand Against Nuclear Weapons – The Ankole Times

State Minister Lokeris Reiterates Uganda’s Stand Against Nuclear Weapons

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

State Minister for Energy and Mineral Development, Mr Peter Lokeris, affirmed Uganda’s unwavering commitment to advocating for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. During a courtesy visit by Dr Robert Floyd, the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Mr Lokeris highlighted the importance of responsible handling of nuclear facilities in various sectors like health, agriculture, and energy.

While acknowledging the beneficial applications of nuclear technology in daily life, Mr Lokeris emphasized the need for careful management, particularly in testing to ensure the safety of nuclear activities. Uganda, a signatory to the treaty in 1996 and ratifier in 2001, is devoted to preventing the enrichment of nuclear resources, such as uranium, for weapon use.

Dr Robert Floyd, representing the CTBTO, expressed anticipation for Uganda’s ongoing contribution to nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament. He emphasized the organization’s role in monitoring global nuclear activities, analyzing explosions, and ensuring the data collected serves civil and scientific purposes. Mr Floyd emphasized the CTBTO’s enduring significance, even in a world devoid of nuclear weapons, as it maintains an international monitoring system to ensure transparency.

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Mr Floyd underscored the importance of training youth and women to strengthen the CTBT, making it a more robust treaty for monitoring nuclear weapons explosions. The acting commissioner of the Department of Geological Survey, Mr Fred Tugume, identified gaps in Uganda’s implementation of the treaty, citing limited high-level participation in decision-making and insufficient attendance at regular meetings.

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