Bukwo's Dry Spell: Water Crisis Deepens, Puts Lives at Risk – The Ankole Times

Bukwo’s Dry Spell: Water Crisis Deepens, Puts Lives at Risk

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
The photo of the view of Bukwo town council in Bukwo district which is hit by water shortage (Photo by Rosalyn Chemutai)
Roslyn Chemutai
2 Min Read

By Roslyn Chemutai

Bukwo, Uganda:

Bukwo district is currently experiencing serious  water shortage with many residents spending days without bathing and washing clothes putting their lives at risks of contracting diseases.

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Bukwo district is located in Eastern Uganda.

Although the ministry of water and environment in the financial year of 2018,2019 to 2020 constructed a multibillion water facility to supply water to the entire district but the system has failed to supply water.

This publication learnt that initially the constructed system by China state with the funding from Ministry of water was supposed to supply water to 9 sub counties across the district such as Koritek, Bukwo town council, Kabei, Brim, Riwo sub county, Riwo town council, Lwongon, Kamet and Tulele but unfortunately the system has failed to work instead it’s only serving three sub counties of  Koritek,Bukwo town council and Kabei.

This publication visited Lwongon sub county which is the most affected sub county where people spend days without bathing.

According to Paul Chemos one of the Anticorruption monitors in Riwo sub county  the system would have served the entire district if the ministry of water and environment officials  didnt mismanage the funds.

“The people of Bukwo are suffering due to  lack of water because the money which was meant to do a better system was mismanaged, “he said.

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Simon Chelangat another resident said despite the fact that it’s a Sabiny who’s the minister for Water and Environment but his home people are struggling with water scarcity.

“We are happy that the works which was going on  of taking water from Kapchorwa  to Teso districts via Bukedea to Kumi has hit a snag, because  how can we remain without water yet other neighbors get water from Sebei hills,” he asked.

Chelangat calls for thorough  investigations into water system by ministry of water in Bukwo adding that people of Bukwo have no one to raise their concerns.

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