Unsafe Water Threatens Health in Masindi: Residents Plead for Help – The Ankole Times

Unsafe Water Threatens Health in Masindi: Residents Plead for Help

Thursday, November 9, 2023
Children collecting water from an unsafe source in Myeba village, Masindi district (Photo by The Cooperator )
The Ankole Times
2 Min Read

Residents of Kimengo Sub-county and Kijunjubwa town council in Masindi district are facing a severe water crisis, forced to share contaminated water sources with animals, raising serious concerns about the prevalence of waterborne diseases.

Bright Mugume, LCIII chairperson of Kimengo Sub-county, paints a grim picture of the situation, highlighting the lack of safe water sources, a long-standing issue that has plagued the area for decades. He emphasizes that extending piped water remains the only viable solution to address the crisis.

“The water in our boreholes is contaminated, forcing people to resort to unsafe water sources, putting their health at significant risk,” Mugume laments.

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The water scarcity has also had a detrimental impact on the economic well-being of the residents. Mugume points out that the high burden of waterborne diseases has driven many into poverty, as they are forced to spend precious time and resources on medical treatment instead of engaging in productive activities.

Juss Yahaya, the mayor of Kijunjubwa town council, echoes Mugume’s concerns, confirming that the water crisis is equally dire in his jurisdiction. He adds that the breakdown of numerous boreholes has further exacerbated the situation, leaving residents with limited options for accessing clean water.

Residents express their frustration with the Masindi District Local Government leadership, alleging that they have failed to adequately address the water shortage. Lydia Kabajulizi, a resident of Myeba village, voices her disappointment, pointing out that funds allocated for borehole construction have not been utilized effectively.

Cosmas Byaruhanga, the district LCV Chairperson Masindi, acknowledges the water scarcity and emphasizes the need for more boreholes, admitting that the allocated funds were insufficient to meet the demand. He assures residents that they are collaborating with the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) to improve water supply in the district.

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