Unclaimed Bodies Pile Up as Mbarara Seeks Urgent Cemetery Solution – The Ankole Times

Unclaimed Bodies Pile Up as Mbarara Seeks Urgent Cemetery Solution

Saturday, January 6, 2024
PHOTO By Boona Fm
Hope Turyomurugyendo
3 Min Read

Mbarara City South Division found itself grappling with a looming crisis after a court order in late 2023, resulted in the loss of the former public graveyard in Rwobuyenje. This burial ground, once dedicated to unclaimed bodies from Mbarara City and its surroundings, had been a crucial resource for the respectful disposal of the deceased. The court’s decision left the city council in a predicament, as they now had to contend with the challenge of finding a suitable alternative for burials.

The gravity of the situation was highlighted by Dr. Celestine Barigye, the Executive Director of Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH), who warned of a potential crisis due to the absence of a city mortuary and an available burial site. He emphasized the importance of cemeteries, not only for the interment of unclaimed bodies but also for individuals without a designated burial place. According to him, the lack of such facilities could impede the progress of the city.

Halson Kagure, the spokesperson for MRRH, provided insights into the limited options available. Following the court order, only a plot measuring less than 50 by 100 feet remained for public burials. This stark reality meant that the city was rapidly approaching a critical juncture where the existing space might prove insufficient to accommodate the approximately 20 unclaimed bodies received monthly, mainly from police sources.

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Bonny Tashobya, the Mbarara City Council Speaker, echoed concerns over the absence of a city cemetery and emphasized the need for swift action to address the crisis. Local leaders grappled with the challenge, recognizing the essential role played by cemeteries in providing a dignified resting place for the deceased.

In response to the immediate predicament, Mbarara city authorities identified a temporary solution. Assay Abireebe Tumwesigye, the Mbarara Clerk, disclosed plans to establish a temporary public burial site in Kenkombe, Kakoba, located in the city’s North Division. This interim measure aimed to address the imminent shortage of burial space, offering relief until a more permanent solution could be implemented.

However, hurdles emerged as local leaders, driven by cultural and traditional beliefs, expressed reluctance to host cemeteries in their respective areas. City Mayor Robert Mugabe Kakyebezi lamented this resistance and emphasized the necessity of persuading councilors to overcome cultural barriers. The mayor underscored that the city could not function adequately without accessible cemeteries.

As Mbarara grappled with this unexpected crisis, the race against time intensified to secure a suitable location for burials and avert the potential dumping of unclaimed bodies in undesirable locations. The city found itself at a crossroads, with leaders navigating cultural sensitivities to ensure a dignified and sustainable resolution to the cemetery conundrum.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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