Sheila Gashumba's Men Brawl Over Her Affections: Grenade Throws Punches, Rickman Suffers Lip Catastrophe! – The Ankole Times

Sheila Gashumba’s Men Brawl Over Her Affections: Grenade Throws Punches, Rickman Suffers Lip Catastrophe!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Love Triangle Chaos at La Terraza: Grenade and Rickman Battle Over Sheila Gashumba! Cocaine, Chaos, and Broken Hearts Unleashed!
Evelyn Atim
4 Min Read

Kampala – On a Sunday night that felt hotter than a rolex straight from the sizzling pan, and in a melodramatic showdown that could rival the most riveting Ugandan soap operas, two local music stars, Grenade Official and Rickman, turned club La Terraza into a battlefield last Sunday night, and their love lives into a sideshow circus. The epic battle unfolded over none other than the one and only Sheila Gashumba, the queen of controversy herself.

As the sun dawned on Monday, Sheila Gashumba, the belle of controversy and talk shows, accused Grenade Official of giving her current flame, Rickman, a makeover – with stitches on the lips, courtesy of a bar brawl that could have been the stuff of a Nollywood movie. What caused this chaotic ruckus, you ask?

Voice notes started flying around the internet faster than a chicken thief fleeing from a mob. Grenade, in his melodramatic best, claimed that the brawl had something to do with his alleged past romance with Gashumba. “You want to finish me off just because I once dated Gashumba? It wasn’t my fault; it was God’s grand plan! But why resort to murder? You’ve broken my bones, choked me, and nearly sent me to meet the ancestors right there in the bar. You’ve even sent goons after me! I’m in agony!” Grenade lamented in a voice note that could rival an ebonies drama.

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Gashumba, never one to shy away from a mic, responded with a sizzle. “This man must be on some kind of Ugandan rocket fuel! Cocaine must be on his head,” she declared, “Five years ago, I was dating Godsplan. Stop dating me in your dreams!! You are a fan, and that’s what you will always be.” Ouch! You’d need more than aloe vera for that burn.

It all started on a sunny Sunday when Gashumba and Rickman graced fashionista Abryanz’s Kampala Style Brunch at La Terraza. But their sweet Sunday quickly turned sour when Grenade, like a pesky mosquito, kept buzzing around their table. They shooed him away repeatedly, but he kept storming their table like a one-man army until the two musicians eventually squared off in a scuffle that would make WWE wrestlers proud. During this fierce fracas, Grenade allegedly hurled a glass that turned Rickman’s lip into a shredded cabbage leaf and his face  a bloodied work of art.

Rickman, now sporting a bloody lip, was whisked away faster than a Rolex vendor chasing a sale and rushed to Nakasero Hospital, where the doctors miraculously stitched him up. Grenade, on the other hand, performed a disappearing act worthy of a magician and made a swift exit, fleeing the scene on a boda boda, leaving his car behind as evidence of the battlefield.

The self-proclaimed “lilstunner” Gashumba announced that they were taking the matter to the police, while Grenade fired back, claiming that he was also seriously wounded in the brawl, accusing the couple of trying to sweep their evil deeds under the rug.

There’s a cloud of uncertainty hanging over what comes next. Social media became the battleground for supporters of each camp. A video circulating on social media showing a pro-Gashumba squad ready to throw down with Grenade. In the video, Gashumba can be heard declaring, “This is war!”. Forget politics – this is the real Ugandan battlefield.

Meanwhile, the Sunday night spectacle sent shockwaves across social media and resurrected dark memories of deadly clashes in Uganda’s music industry, with the ghost of Mowzey Radio looming large in the background.

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As a proud contributor to both The Ankole Times and NS Media, Evelyn has her finger on the pulse of what's hot and happening. When she's not busy crafting headlines that can make a hyena laugh, Atim enjoys taking long walks through the vibrant streets of Uganda, seeking inspiration in the most unexpected places—like the chaotic traffic or the street food vendors whose stories are as spicy as their dishes.
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