Singer Lilian Mbabazi Accused of 18 Months of Rent Nonpayment – The Ankole Times

Singer Lilian Mbabazi Accused of 18 Months of Rent Nonpayment

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Singer Lilian Mbabazi, usually in the spotlight for her music, now finds herself in the gossip pages for all the wrong reasons. This time, it’s not a catchy tune or a glamorous appearance but the harsh reality of unpaid rent that’s making headlines.

Her landlord, Mr. Sitran Deshpande, has hauled her to the police station, and not for a duet but over a jaw dropping 18 months of rent arrears. The drama unfolds as the singer faces allegations of failing to fulfill her financial obligations regarding the property she’s been leasing since February 21, 2018, for a monthly fee of  1.5 million shillings.

Once upon a time, she used to pay her dues promptly, but life’s tune seems to have changed its melody. Starting from April 2022, Mbabazi hasn’t managed to settle her rent debts, as she hasn’t coughed up a single shilling towards her rent since then, leaving her landlord with no choice but to take legal action to secure his rights,

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According to Mr. Sufian, the landlord’s lawyer, Mbabazi has been playing a game of hide and seek when it comes to paying what she owes. He points out that she’s been acting like a tenant in disguise, leaving the property in suspicious circumstances.

In response to these grave allegations, Lilian Mbabazi did what most people do in such situations – she denied everything. She claims that she’s been expecting funds to clear her rent arrears, but this money has been slower to arrive than her hit singles.

Despite her denials, Mr. Sufian is urging Mbabazi to show up at Konge Police Station to allow the authorities to take action. It seems the singer’s financial notes are hitting a sour tune. He issued a stern call for Lilian to show up at Konge Police Station on Thursday, presumably to sort this mess out once and for all.

It’s a stark contrast to the news from April 2020 when Lillian Mbabazi was celebrating her financial success as the Prudential insurance ambassador, earning her millions. However, it appears her financial harmony has taken a down turn and times have surely changed for the celebrated singer., leaving her struggling to pay the bills while promoting insurance deals on social media.

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Born and raised in the heart of Uganda, Olga developed a deep appreciation for the power of storytelling from a young age. Her curiosity about the world and its myriad complexities led her to pursue a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, graduating with honors from Makerere University. This was just the beginning of her journey into the world of news publishing.
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