Urgent Plea for Road Repair in Bugiri and Bugweri Districts – The Ankole Times

Urgent Plea for Road Repair in Bugiri and Bugweri Districts

Friday, September 29, 2023
PHOTO - Courtesy - Residents Seek Government Help to Repair Damaged Road
Ibrahim Jjunju
3 Min Read

Residents of Bugweri and Bugiri Districts are requesting the government’s assistance to repair a road connecting Bupala Village in Bugweri District to Bukooli in Bugiri District. The road has developed a large crater, measuring approximately 40 meters wide, at the boundary between Lwanika Village, Nabukalu Sub-county, Bugiri District, and Bupala Village, Buyanga Sub-county in Bugweri District.

According to Mr. Nasur Mukama, a resident of Nasilalo Village, Buyanga Sub-county in Bugweri, the road caved in around 2018, leading to increased transportation costs for the residents. Mr. Mukama mentioned that his daily expenses for using this route have risen from Shs1,000 to Shs3,000.

In response to the impassable road, the local community pooled their resources and constructed a makeshift bridge, allowing only one person to cross at a time. Mr. Erias Wandera manages the bridge and charges fees for people, bicycles, and motorcycles to cross.

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Initially, the makeshift bridge witnessed over 200 motorcycle crossings daily, but this number has dwindled to less than 20 per day. The collapsed road forces motorists to take a longer route through Idudi, adding five extra kilometers to their journey.

Mr. Hakim Kisakye, a resident of Buwanga Village, Buyanga Sub-county, expressed his fear of crossing the makeshift bridge but emphasized its necessity for his rice business, which requires frequent trips to Buwanga and Lwanika Villages.

The deteriorating road condition has proven fatal, as Mr. Kadome Waiswa, a resident of Lwanika Village, noted that three individuals have lost their lives by falling into the fast-running swamp waters since the road’s collapse five years ago.

Residents cited the erosion of culverts due to floods in 2018 as the cause of the road’s collapse. This prompted locals to take matters into their own hands when district authorities failed to intervene.

The road’s poor condition has also disrupted the weekly market day in Lwanika, affecting the local economy. Mr. James Kisuule, the Bugweri District engineer, acknowledged the road’s dire state and mentioned that district officials are collaborating with their counterparts in Bugiri to address the issue. However, he emphasized the need for support from the Ministry of Works due to the significant scope and expense of the required repairs.

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