Museum and Institute Honoring Ignatius Kangave Musaazi Planned – The Ankole Times

Museum and Institute Honoring Ignatius Kangave Musaazi Planned

Friday, October 6, 2023
PHOTO - The New Vision Archives
Hope Turyomurugyendo
3 Min Read

Plans are being made to construct a museum and an institute in memory of Ignatius Kangave Musaazi, who was the founder of Uganda National Congress, the first political party in Uganda.

Elizabeth Musaazi, the chairperson of IK Musazi Foundation, announced during a remembrance event at the National Theatre in Kampala that this project is set to begin next year.

She revealed, “Next year’s program will include the laying of the foundation stone for the IK Musaazi innovation institute in Kaasangombe, Nakaseke district. This institute will host the IK Musaazi Museum, where his tangible legacy in the form of photographs, documents, audios, and videos will be preserved.”

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Elizabeth Musaazi emphasized that this collection will contain tangible memories of Uganda’s struggle for freedom and independence, celebrating Musaazi’s legacy and emphasizing the relevance of the ideals he fought for, such as political freedoms, democracy, economic and social welfare, and putting Uganda’s interests above personal ambitions.

Fred Guweddeko, a researcher at Makerere University, praised Musaazi for leaving behind a lasting legacy.

Geoffrey Ssenoga, a journalist at Uganda Christian University’s School of Journalism, Media, and Communication, explained that the commemoration of IK Musaazi aims to showcase his legacy to the world.

Ssenoga said, “You cannot just write about IK Musaazi; he deserves an exhibition. His legacy was a manifesto where he firmly stated that people must live in dignity, be empowered, possess a national character, and uphold other values and ideals that hold great significance today.”

He added, “The fact that he passionately worked toward his ideas, rather than waiting for others to work for him, is a legacy that everyone should emulate.”

Ignatius Kangave Musaazi, the grandson of the late founder of Uganda National Congress, expressed confidence that his grandfather’s legacy will endure.

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“As young people, we learn a great deal about nationalism from my grandfather. He was dedicated and selfless in everything he did, and he found satisfaction only when Uganda improved, and its citizens enjoyed their rights as nationals,” said Musaazi, who also serves as the guild president at Nkumba University.

He concluded, “While running for the guild president position, I was inspired by my grandfather’s accomplishments. I believe that if he could achieve all he did, I can follow in his footsteps. Today’s leaders should focus not on enriching themselves but on working for the people and the country as a whole.”

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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