MPs Recommend Refund of Unaccounted Funds by Netball and Boxing Federations – The Ankole Times

MPs Recommend Refund of Unaccounted Funds by Netball and Boxing Federations

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Parliament adopted a report from the Public Accounts Committee (Central Government) on October 19, 2023, which recommends that the Netball and Boxing Federations refund funds they received but failed to account for within six months.

Investigations by the committee into both federations revealed a recurring pattern of falsified accountabilities, confirming findings in the 2021/2022 Auditor General’s Report.

The President of the Uganda Netball Federation initially provided documents accounting for the expenditure of Shs139 million on a tournament in Namibia but later disowned these documents during interactions with the Secretary General for the National Council of Sports (NCS). The committee noted a discrepancy between the President’s admissions and denials regarding the accountability documents submitted for accommodation of 27 players and officials in Namibia.

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Furthermore, a letter from the Namibia Netball Pent Series Tournament stated that Namibia was responsible for covering all accommodation costs for the Ugandan team, contrary to what the Uganda Netball Federation had accounted for.

The committee, led by Hon. John Amos Okot (NRM, Agago North County), presented its findings during a plenary sitting presided over by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa.

The committee has urged the Uganda Police, through Interpol, to investigate the authenticity of accountability documents from Namibia and prosecute responsible officers for forgery, embezzlement, and abuse of office.

In a related development, the committee discovered forged documents totaling Shs8.9 million within the Boxing Federation, for which a refund has been recommended. Suspicious accountabilities worth Shs5.4 million were submitted for catering services, but upon investigation, the service provider was unaware of any transaction with the Uganda Boxing Federation. The federation was also found to have falsified accountability documents for Shs3.5 million meant for the hire of tents, chairs, and tables.

The committee emphasizes the need for the NCS to strengthen the accountability capacity of federations, recognizing that many lack the ability to have their books audited.

PAC has cautioned the NCS against informal dealings with federations without established frameworks, as disbursing public funds to unrecognized institutions can pose ongoing challenges regarding the accountability of sports funds.

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Members of Parliament emphasized the significant support shown to the sports sector by Parliament and the government and called on the NCS to enhance its supervisory role over federations.

In the context of the Sports Bill, the NCS was granted sufficient authority to govern federations, and it is encouraged to establish accountability guidelines for federations to follow. Some MPs suggested that the report drop the recommendation regarding the Netball Federation, as it is already under investigation by the Inspector General of Government (IGG). The Deputy Speaker, however, clarified that the committee based its recommendation on the Auditor General’s report, as it does not have jurisdiction over the IGG’s office.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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