Karamoja Unites for Child Rights – The Ankole Times

Karamoja Unites for Child Rights

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Save the Children has started a new campaign in the Karamoja region. The purpose of this campaign is to bring together partners and stakeholders who recognize climate change as a problem that affects the rights of children. This campaign is called the ‘Generation Hope Campaign.’ Its goal is to make the voices, ideas, actions, and experiences of children regarding climate change and poverty stronger. The campaign aims to connect children of all ages worldwide into one voice.

Mark Twinomugisha, who manages the Karamoja Region for Save the Children, says that the climate crisis is creating a child rights crisis. It is a big threat to children’s survival, education, and safety. Save the Children provides a platform for children to have their voices heard and for decision-makers to work on addressing climate change and inequality, moving towards Sustainable Development Goals.

Twinomugisha explains that their main goal is to support children, especially those who are most affected by climate change. They want these children to be part of the solution. They want them to influence decisions made by leaders at global and local levels. He adds that children will have an essential role in the campaign to fight climate change. They will help shape policies both at the national and local levels by using media.

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As part of their efforts, Save the Children has undertaken various activities. They have given improved goats to households and provided water for communities to start kitchen gardens. This helps combat hunger during times of drought.

In Moroto district, some primary school pupils face challenges in their education. Poverty, inadequate school facilities, long distances to learning centers, and traditional customs are some of the obstacles. These obstacles are frustrating the education of these children. They explain that due to poverty in their homes, girls are more affected. They often have to do activities that harm the environment, contributing to climate change.

Elizabeth Akello, a pupil at Acherer Primary School in Loputuk Sub-county, Moroto district, points out that poverty in households has caused girls to do activities that harm the environment. Girls are often tasked with providing food for their families because resources are scarce. Climate change has had a significant impact on girls in the region.

With parents unable to grow crops due to drought, girls are forced into early marriages as they are exchanged for cows. Akello appeals to the community to plant trees to attract rain and support food production. This can help parents support their children’s education.

Josephine Lokol, another pupil from Nadunget Primary School, explains how the lack of water in schools has made it difficult for girls to get an education. Managing menstrual hygiene becomes a big challenge, leading to many adolescent girls dropping out. Due to food shortages, girls are forced into early marriages in exchange for cows. She appreciates development partners like Save the Children for providing water facilities and reusable pads to support girls’ education.

John Baptist Lokii, a member of parliament in Tepeth County in Moroto district, emphasizes that climate change has affected many areas, including crop production, livestock rearing, and education. Girls, in particular, are affected, as they are seen as the means for their families to survive. He stresses the need to strengthen government policies that aim to improve education and the rights of girls in Karamoja.

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Albert Lokoru, another member of parliament, notes that forced and early marriages still hinder girls’ education in the region. He urges the government to consider introducing restocking programs in Karamoja to encourage livestock rearing. This could be an economic alternative to relying on crop production, especially in the face of unpredictable weather patterns.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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