Mace Vows to Avoid Future ABC Appearances Following Heated Exchange – The Ankole Times

Mace Vows to Avoid Future ABC Appearances Following Heated Exchange

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Representative Nancy Mace from South Carolina declared on Monday that she will refrain from appearing on ABC in the foreseeable future following a confrontational exchange with host George Stephanopoulos on Sunday’s episode.

In an interview with NewsNation’s Leland Vittert on “On Balance,” Mace expressed her decision, stating, “I won’t be going back on ABC anytime soon. I told him as I was walking out, ‘Good effing luck getting me back on.'” She further revealed that she vented her frustration upon leaving, acknowledging, “I cursed on my way out. I didn’t do it on air, but I was upset.”

The contentious debate unfolded during Sunday’s broadcast of “This Week” when Stephanopoulos questioned Mace about her endorsement of Donald Trump despite his legal entanglements, notably a defamation lawsuit filed by E. Jean Carroll where Trump was found liable for sexual battery.

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Initiating the interview with a playback of Mace’s testimony about her experience as a rape survivor prior to her congressional bid announcement, Stephanopoulos faced criticism from Mace for what she perceived as an attempt to “shame” her throughout the segment. Despite Stephanopoulos’s assertion that his question wasn’t intended to shame her and acknowledging her courage for speaking out, tensions escalated as he persisted with his line of inquiry.

In her conversation with Vittert, Mace expressed her disappointment with the direction of the interview, highlighting her expectation to discuss the 2024 elections rather than rehashing her past trauma. She emphasized the discomfort she felt and criticized the interview’s tone, remarking that it was “painful” to relive her testimony.

Taking her grievances to Fox News’s “The Faulker Focus” on Monday, Mace accused Stephanopoulos of attempting to intimidate her during their interaction. Describing the aftermath of the interview as “very awkward,” she depicted Stephanopoulos as displaying hostility and resentment.

In response to Mace’s assertions, a spokesperson for ABC News defended Stephanopoulos’s conduct during the interview, affirming that he fulfilled his duty by asking pertinent questions of relevance to the viewership.

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