Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Independent Presidential Run – The Ankole Times

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Independent Presidential Run

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has entered the 2024 presidential race as an independent candidate after ending his Democratic primary bid. His announcement comes amid expectations of a closely contested general election, with Kennedy aiming to draw support from both major party candidates. His candidacy faces challenges historically encountered by independent candidates, but he remains optimistic about his chances.
Rothschild Jobi
5 Min Read

Environmental lawyer and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared his candidacy for the presidency as an independent candidate, ending his bid to secure the Democratic nomination and opting for a less conventional path towards the general election.

Kennedy made his announcement in Philadelphia, putting an end to weeks of speculation regarding his future in the 2024 presidential race. Earlier this year, he met with representatives from the Libertarian Party to discuss shared beliefs, and recently, a super PAC supporting his campaign conducted a poll to gauge his strength in a hypothetical three-way race against President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

In the coming weeks, Kennedy’s campaign plans to host events in Texas, Florida, and Georgia, with a commitment to traveling extensively in the lead-up to the November 2024 general election. The campaign expressed confidence in securing ballot access in all states.

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Historically, independent and third-party presidential candidates have faced challenges in gaining substantial support. Notably, in 1992, Texas businessman Ross Perot mounted a relatively successful independent presidential campaign, securing 8% of the vote in a general election ultimately won by Bill Clinton.

Kennedy acknowledged the difficulties faced by independent candidates but expressed optimism about his chances, stating, “Today, we turn a new page in American politics. There have been independent candidates in this country before, but this time it’s going to be different. Because this time, the independent is gonna win.”

Mark Gorton, co-founder of American Values 2024, the super PAC supporting Kennedy, emphasized the need for consistent growth in polling support to make a realistic bid for victory. He believes they have a chance to achieve a historic upset, stating, “We need to be getting 1%, 1.5% of the electorate each month, but that’s a doable task.”

Kennedy’s independent candidacy further complicates a general election race already expected to be closely contested. A recent poll among likely voters, conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, showed 14% support for Kennedy in a hypothetical three-way race with Biden at 38% and Trump at 40%. It remains uncertain if Kennedy can translate this support into votes by November 2024. Kennedy aims to draw supporters from both Biden and Trump’s camps, acknowledging concerns that he could affect the outcome.

Trump’s campaign and advisers have begun preparing opposition research against Kennedy, aiming to portray him as a liberal masquerading as a conservative, pointing to his environmental activism and positions on various issues.

Kennedy initially launched his campaign as a Democrat in April, focusing on early primary states like New Hampshire and South Carolina. However, he failed to gain significant support within the Democratic primary, with just 9% of likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire expressing support in a CNN/University of New Hampshire poll.

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The Republican National Committee characterized Kennedy as “just another radical, far-left Democrat.”

Kennedy, previously a lifelong Democrat, expressed the pain of disavowing the party with which his family has long been associated. He cited his desire to challenge the two-party system, which he believes has failed to provide viable presidential options for Americans. He criticized Biden’s age and competency and Trump’s legal issues as signs of a corrupt political process.

During his announcement in Philadelphia, Kennedy received a warm reception from supporters when he discussed his plans for a “tamper-proof election system,” expanding voting rights, and his call to avoid conflict with Russia. He did not address the Israel-Hamas conflict. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a close friend and adviser to Kennedy, spoke about the war and called for a moment of silence for its victims.

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Kennedy’s failure to mention Israel-Hamas in his speech followed criticism from Jewish groups after he falsely claimed earlier that “Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese” people are “most immune” to Covid-19. Kennedy strongly denied accusations of antisemitism.

Kennedy, who has never held public office, has garnered support from a small group of backers drawn to his opposition to public health mandates and the influence of money on government and corporate decisions. He founded Children’s Health Defense, an organization known for spreading anti-vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Attendees at the Philadelphia event represented a wide range of ideologies, including conservatives, liberals, and independents. Some supporters praised Kennedy’s anti-corruption message and stance on vaccines, expressing a desire for unity in the country.

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