Bobi Wine Welcomes New Members to National Unity Platform – The Ankole Times

Bobi Wine Welcomes New Members to National Unity Platform

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

On April 16th 2024, at the headquarters of the National Unity Platform (NUP), Bobi Wine greeted hundreds of new members hailing from all four regions of Uganda. Addressing the newcomers, he underscored that they weren’t just joining another political party but becoming part of a broader movement with a mission for freedom. He emphasized that this is a revolution.

In his message to the new members, Bobi Wine didn’t mince words regarding the prevailing issues in Uganda. He highlighted the plight of political prisoners and the unjust taxation system, attributing these problems to the prolonged rule of dictator Museveni. According to him, Uganda’s foremost priority should be to eradicate dictatorship to pave the way for a free, prosperous, and democratic nation. He concluded his speech by advocating for the release of all political prisoners.

Earlier, Bobi Wine expressed solidarity with Sanya Muhydin Kakooza, who demonstrated courage by confronting the regime of Gen. Museveni and its military court. Quoting a saying, he reflected on the necessity of rebellion against tyranny when it becomes the law, applauding Kakooza’s extraordinary bravery.

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According to a statement by opposition party secretary general  Lewis Rubongoya, Bobi Wine’s message reflects the core values and objectives of the National Unity Platform. Founded on principles of justice, democracy, and freedom, he added that NUP aims to challenge the status quo and bring about positive change in Uganda’s political landscape. By welcoming new members from across the country, he says NUP is expanding its reach and strengthening its stance against oppression and injustice following nearly 40 years of governance by the NRA/NRM.

The call to action issued by Bobi Wine resonated with many of opposition supporters disillusioned by years of autocratic rule. According to one supporter Ephraim, Bobi Wine serves as a rallying cry for those who seek a brighter future for Uganda, free from corruption, oppression, and arbitrary rule. He adds that as NUP continues to grow, its influence in shaping Uganda’s political discourse and driving meaningful change is becoming increasingly apparent, and that may older bureaucrats see it as a threat to the entrenched system of patronage they are comfortable with.

In the face of adversity, Bobi Wine declared that the  National Unity Platform will remain steadfast in their commitment to democratic ideals and the pursuit of justice in the country. He added that the party’s efforts to mobilize and empower ordinary citizens stand as a testament to the power of collective action in challenging entrenched systems of oppression and ushering in a new era of hope and progress for Uganda.

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