Land Dispute in Muyenga Takes Bizarre Turn: Accusations and Conflicting Claims Unveiled – The Ankole Times

Land Dispute in Muyenga Takes Bizarre Turn: Accusations and Conflicting Claims Unveiled

Friday, October 13, 2023
Muyenga Land Wrangle: Can It Be Resolved
The Ankole Times
7 Min Read

The ongoing land dispute in Muyenga, Kampala, has taken a new turn, with the caretaker of one Mzee Bibangamba at Panorama Bar being accused of fueling the conflict.

The conflict involves a city businessman and real estate developer only known as Isaac, who is a resident of Muyenga.

Background of the conflict:

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The genesis of the matter began when a neighbour named Hassan Alui attempted to place a container on Isaac’s land with the intention of claiming it. The matter was reported to the police, and the container was removed as evidence.

When asked about the container’s owner, a woman identified as Immaculate Ayebazibwe, the housemaid, claimed that the container belonged to her and someone named Ezra. However, Alui later went to Kabalagala Police Station, recorded a statement, and admitted that he had placed the container, asserting ownership.

Based on this evidence, the police invited Immaculate to give a statement, but she did not appear. Instead, she persisted in verbally abusing the investigating officer and making appearances in various media outlets, alluding to having a court order. However, residents wondered why she vanished when challenged to provide documents.

Upon realizing this, Isaac decided to redevelop his land, beginning with realigning the access road.

This publication has exclusively learned that the businessman reached an agreement with other neighbours to extend the access road to the boundary, allowing him to develop his property while maintaining enough space for the road.

Although neighbours welcomed the access road realignment and were willing to collaborate on constructing it, Immaculate, whose intentions remain unclear to this day, continued to visit different offices and report that the road had been blocked. It confounded many as to how she managed to travel from her home to these offices.

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KCCA and NWSC intervention:

After unsuccessful attempts to prevent Isaac from developing his property, Immaculate sought assistance from city authorities.

Among the offices she petitioned was the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Physical Planning Department. This department subsequently visited the disputed area and found that her claims were unfounded, as she did not own any property in Muyenga. It appeared that she was a maid at Bibangamba’s residence.

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She also placed a caveat and filed a complaint with the Kampala Capital City Authority and the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC). Both organizations sent technical experts to the disputed land to determine the source of the conflict and find an amicable solution that would not disadvantage any of the parties involved.

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The access road, currently undergoing realignment

Technical experts at the disputed land to determine the source of the conflict and find an amicable solution

Dubious demands:

Immaculate made unusual demands, repeatedly mentioning the cancellation of the land title without providing any reasons for the revocation. It is worth noting that the law allows for an alternative access road.

In her final attempts, she returned to the new Resident District Commissioner (RDC) to halt Isaac’s road realignment efforts after seeing materials on the ground. She seemingly forgot that the former RDC, Mrs. Doreen Keita, had directed the physical planning of Makindye to clearly identify the access road’s path and plot boundaries. This had been discussed publicly in the presence of local leaders and Immaculate herself.

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The access road is open and undergoing development, amidst questionable requests.

Who is Immaculate Ayebazibwe?

Immaculate Ayebazibwe is the caretaker of Mzee Bibangamba at Panorama Bar in Muyenga. She is also known as a land broker in the area.

Ayebazibwe is a controversial figure, having been involved in several land disputes in the past. She has been accused of using her connections to intimidate and harass those who oppose her.

Why is Ayebazibwe involved in the Muyenga land dispute?

The motives behind Ayebazibwe’s involvement in the Muyenga land dispute are not clear. Some sources suggest she may be acting on behalf of Bibangamba to prevent others from developing their land. Others speculate that she might be attempting to benefit personally, either by gaining a share of the land or by extorting money from Isaac.

The same woman, different controversies:

This publication has learned that Immaculate has a history of threatening Ugandans whom she believes she can take advantage of. She often boasts about her connections to directors at the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID), suggesting that those who do not comply with her demands will be swiftly arrested if she makes a phone call.

Previously, she was involved in a dispute in Kansanga with businessman Drake Lubega, who had bailed Bibangamba out from money lenders.

It should be noted that Immaculate was recently seen at ABSA Bank with the ailing Mzee Bibangamba, who has been bedridden for some time, attempting to demand money that the family was unaware of.

Neighbours have also revealed that she has a habit of influencing journalists from top media outlets, especially Bukedde, UBC, and the entire Vision Group in Kampala, to publish stories that portray her as a victim, often to the detriment of her victims.

When contacted, Bibangamba’s family declined to comment further on the matter but clarified that they held the powers of attorney and were surprised to see Immaculate at the bank with their parent.

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