100 Kasese Marathoners Complete Physical Fitness Preparations for Tusker Lite-Sponsored International Thelujj Marathon Festival – The Ankole Times

100 Kasese Marathoners Complete Physical Fitness Preparations for Tusker Lite-Sponsored International Thelujj Marathon Festival

Friday, September 1, 2023
Owen Alton
2 Min Read

About 100 participants from Kasese district have completed their physical fitness preparations ahead of the Tusker Lite-sponsored International Thelujj Marathon Festival slated for Saturday in Kasese.

Ms. Annette Muhanuka Muhindo, a trainee from Mbunga village in Mbunga Sub-County, told our reporter that she is participating in the marathon to create awareness about the need to conserve nature and also win the cash prize that could help her educate her children and buy more land. She recently won a prize plate during the women’s day celebrations in her home sub-county.

Ms. Faibi Biira from Mahango Sub-County and Mr. Alex Masereka, like some students from Kuruhe High School, are also participating to show their strength and win the prize that would improve their living conditions.

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Mr. Milton Mugisha, a resident of Kathoma village in Lake Katwe Sub-County, whose wife reportedly separated from him over his decision to join the marathon camp, asked married couples to be firm and supportive of their spouses. He said he joined the festival for a positive cause.

In a mini-survey yesterday, several hotels were already full for the Saturday festival.

According to State Minister for ICT and National Guidance Godfrey Baluku Kiime Kabbyanga, Kasese district had previously received about 1,700 visitors intending to climb Mount Rwenzori each year. However, over 7,000 tourists have already booked to trek the mountains before the end of 2023. He attributes this to strategic tourism promotion activities, guaranteed security, and peace in the country.

Minister Kabbyanga urged community members to plant more trees to preserve the snows on the mountain and attract more tourists. He also urged farmers to bring their crops for sale, such as sugarcane, yellow bananas, and bogoya, which athletes like to eat after the marathon.

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Owen Alton writes for "The Ankole Times" with a focus on Rwenzori Region (Kasese) stories
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