Two-Month Project Worth Sh 128M Kicks Off in Obongi District – The Ankole Times

Two-Month Project Worth Sh 128M Kicks Off in Obongi District

Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Site handover for the construction of walkways with the Obongi district leaders, including RDC Hasaka Samuel and LCV Chairman.
Okidi Patrick
2 Min Read

The construction site for walkways at Obongi Health Centre IV has been handed over for the commencement of work. The Resident District Commissioner of Obongi, Mr. Samuel Mpimbaza Hashaka, together with the District Chairperson, Hon. Haji Abib Buga Khemis, District Executive Committee (DEC) members, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Leru Andrew, UNICEF representative, DHO Dominic Lomerechu, and other stakeholders, expressed their joy while handing over the site for the construction of walkways, modification, renovation, and upgrading of the solar system at the theater and maternity ward in Obongi Health Center IV.

The project, aimed at improving working conditions, comes with a cost of 128 million shillings. The two-month project is funded by UNICEF and is supposed to be supervised by the district engineering department. It is intended for infrastructural improvement to ensure quality assurance.

While addressing the attendees, Obongi District Chairman Khemis appealed to UNICEF to continue funding more projects in the district. Obongi RDC Hasaka Samuel Mpimbasa, while officiating the event, congratulated UNICEF for the job well done. However, he requested them to work hand in hand with the district to enable them to better assist the people of Obongi.

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This information was revealed to the media by RDC Obongi during an interview after the function on Tuesday.

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