Acaaba Sub-county Leaders Desperate for Power: "We Are Being Left Behind – The Ankole Times

Acaaba Sub-county Leaders Desperate for Power: “We Are Being Left Behind

Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Courtesy Photo
Ojara Daniel
2 Min Read

By Daniel Ojara

OYAM, UGANDA – The authorities of Acaba sub-county are requesting the Ministry of Energy to extend power supply to the sub-county. Acaba is the only sub-county in Oyam district that does not have access to power, despite having public places such as health centers, schools, the sub-county headquarters with administrative offices, and economic centers.

According to local leaders in the sub-county, the lack of access to electricity is affecting public services, such as health care. For example, Atipe Health Center III has recently been severely hampered by the lack of power. The health center received solar panels from the woman Member of Parliament for Oyam, but local leaders say that solar power is not sustainable.

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They also say that economic growth has been severely affected. Trading centers such as Atipe Kampala have seen a decline in revenue collection, and many businesses in Acaba are relocating to Kamdini, Loro, and Minakulu in search of areas with power.

The same challenges are affecting education in Acaba sub-county, as many schools do not have access to power, which is affecting performance.

Chris Ongom, the male councillor for Acaba sub-county in the Oyam District Council, says that the irrigation scheme in Acaba sub-county is continuing, and they need small machinery to grind rice. However, this is not possible without electricity supply.

He has requested that the Oyam District Local Government write to the Ministry of Energy to take action and implement power connections within Acaba sub-county.

According to statistics, Acaba sub-county is one of the 16 lower administrative units in Oyam district. It is composed of 6 parishes and 88 villages, with a projected population of 33,200 people by 2020.

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