Anti-Rwanda Protests Spread Across Eastern DRC – The Ankole Times

Anti-Rwanda Protests Spread Across Eastern DRC

Friday, February 16, 2024

Protests against Rwanda and alleged Western complicity spread across eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Thursday, as demonstrators accused them of supporting a rebel group causing turmoil in the region.

In Bukavu, the capital of Sud-Kivu province, hundreds marched peacefully demanding the liberation of parts of neighbouring Nord-Kivu occupied by M23 guerrillas.

The M23, a largely Tutsi group, has been on the offensive in Nord-Kivu, particularly around the provincial capital Goma.

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Adrien Zawadi, president of a local civil society organization, emphasized the urgent need to end the suffering and trauma caused by the ongoing conflict.

Western governments and the United Nations have accused Rwanda of supporting the M23, though Rwanda denies the claim. Demonstrators also called for the closure of borders with Rwanda and Uganda, which have been accused of supporting the rebels. Additionally, some protestors demanded a severing of ties with the United States, France, and Britain, alleging their involvement with Rwanda.

Similar demonstrations occurred in Kisangani in Tshopo province, calling for a declaration of war against Rwanda and the termination of relations with alleged complicit Western countries.

Earlier, several hundred women in Kinshasa marched for peace, while a few youths protested outside Western embassies and United Nations offices, burning cars and tires.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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