East African Troops Stop Wazalendo Militants at Kiwanja in Eastern DR Congo – The Ankole Times

East African Troops Stop Wazalendo Militants at Kiwanja in Eastern DR Congo

Friday, October 13, 2023

The East African Community Regional Force (EACRF) successfully prevented a coalition of militia groups known as Wazalendo from advancing on the town of Kiwanja in North Kivu Province, Eastern Congo.

Last weekend, the Wazalendo, with support from government forces, captured the strategic town of Kitchanga, where they ousted the M23 rebels. In response, the M23 launched a counteroffensive, resulting in casualties among Wazalendo fighters, including one of their commanders.

On Thursday morning, Wazalendo attempted to take control of Kiwanja but were halted by the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF). Wazalendo claimed that the EACRF was obstructing their efforts to liberate Congolese territories from the M23.

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Earlier this year, the M23, following the instructions of regional leaders, handed over several towns, including Kiwanja and Kitchanga, to the EACRF. The M23 has accused Burundian troops within the EACRF of collaborating with Congolese soldiers and militia groups to seize Kitchanga, a charge the regional force has denied.

East African Community Secretary General, Peter Mathuki, expressed his deep concern over unfounded allegations and negative propaganda against EACRF contingents, emphasizing the force’s commitment to restoring peace and security in eastern DRC. He stated that the EACRF is dedicated to working closely with the Government of the DRC to facilitate the reopening of Main Supply Routes (MSRs), ensure the safe return of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to their homes, and enhance the protection of civilians.

The Congolese army has denied supporting Wazalendo, asserting that the militia group acted independently to combat the M23. However, Congolese forces quickly regained control of Kitchanga from Wazalendo after the M23’s defeat.

Mathuki acknowledged that recent hostilities between Wazalendo and M23 rebels have resulted in loss of life, injuries, and civilian displacement. He stressed the importance of adhering to the code of conduct and established procedures outlined in the Status of Forces Agreement and international laws, particularly the protection of civilians.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government informed the East African Community that it would not renew the mandate of EACRF beyond December 2023.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at] eastafrica.ankoletimes.co.ug
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