East African Portland Cement to Sell Disputed Athi River Land Amid Demolitions – The Ankole Times

East African Portland Cement to Sell Disputed Athi River Land Amid Demolitions

Tuesday, October 17, 2023
PHOTO - Portland Cement
Rothschild Jobi
2 Min Read

East African Portland Cement (EAPC) revealed plans to sell a portion of Athi River land that has been a subject of dispute. The decision comes in the wake of demolitions ordered by President William Ruto.

In an official notice published in local newspapers, the company stated its intention to oversee the sale of the land in the near future. The company has identified three specific plots for this process, designated as LR 8784/144, 145, and 653.

To ensure fairness, priority will be given to those individuals who currently occupy portions of this land. They have been advised to assert their claims within 14 days from the date of the notice.

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Any portions of the land that remain unclaimed after this period will be made available to the general public in a competitive manner, adhering to a willing buyer-willing seller basis.

For those interested in participating in this process, the EAPC premises along Namanga Road will be the point of contact for inquiries.

This announcement follows the demolition of houses on the disputed land as ordered by President Ruto on October 13.

In his directive, President Ruto emphasized the need to revoke titles held by individuals who had possessed land for extended periods without development, with the goal of allocating the land to those with intentions of using it.

Additionally, there are reports of affluent investors expressing interest in acquiring a government stake in the struggling cement manufacturer.

Back in July, the Ministry of Trade disclosed that a potential buyer had been identified for a Ksh15 billion state stake in Portland Cement. The Industry Principal Secretary (PS), Juma Mukhwana, informed Parliament of the Ministry’s approval of a plan that would permit a strategic investor to purchase a 30 percent stake in the company.

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