In a recent police operation in Kachiongo, Maua, Meru County, a 39-year-old woman, Shankara Adan Hassan, who had gone missing after being abducted in Nairobi, was found in an abandoned house. She had been held captive since October 13.
Shankara Adan Hassan, who worked at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, was abducted from Nairobi while traveling along Likoni Road to her workplace. The police conducted the operation with a team of detectives from Nairobi Area, DCI Imenti North, and DCI Igembe Central.
The operation began with the arrest of a suspect in Maua Town. After thorough questioning, the suspect led the officers to an abandoned residential house on the outskirts of Maua Town, where the victim was found locked up. Additionally, a salon car believed to have been used in the abduction was recovered.
Two other suspects involved in the incident are still being sought by the police.
Following her rescue, the victim received medical attention, while the suspect and the motor vehicle were taken to DCI Makadara Nairobi for further action. The motive behind the abduction remains unknown, according to the police.
Shankara Adan Hassan worked as a tea and snack vendor at the airport cargo section. On the night of October 12, she was traveling from Eastleigh Section 3 to JKIA in a taxi. The car was flagged down by individuals posing as police officers at the Likoni bridge along Likoni Road in Nairobi around 10 pm.
The driver of the taxi was informed that the woman was wanted and was being escorted to Shauri Moyo Police Station for interrogation. Shankara’s relatives were alerted to the situation but were surprised to find that their sister was missing when they arrived at the police station. The registration number of the vehicle that the victim was forced into was not captured, but it was later recovered in Maua. The taxi driver was detained for further questioning.
The police are currently investigating the incident and have not yet determined who may be behind it or the motive.
Leaders from North Eastern Kenya have called on the president to address and put an end to these mysterious disappearances, expressing their concerns about recent cases in the region. The taxi driver was scheduled to be arraigned on Monday.