Senate Shakahola Probe: Meeting Scheduled with Good News Church Representative – The Ankole Times

Senate Shakahola Probe: Meeting Scheduled with Good News Church Representative

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Today, the Senate Adhoc Committee on Shakahola is expected to meet with Paul Nthenge Mackenzie, a representative from the Good News International Church.

Last week, the senators had requested the prison to produce Mackenzie, although it remains unclear whether their request has been granted.

Additionally, the Committee is slated to hold discussions with the Chief Government Pathologist.

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CS Mutua to Hand Over to Mudavadi

On Tuesday, Tourism CS Alfred Mutua will officially hand over the Foreign Affairs ministry to Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi. This transition ceremony will occur at the Kenya Railways Headquarters.

Kenyatta National Hospital to Dispose of 253 Unclaimed Bodies

Kenyatta National Hospital has made arrangements to dispose of 253 unclaimed bodies, which includes 239 children, comprising 132 boys and 107 girls. Kenyan citizens have been given a 14-day window to identify these bodies; otherwise, they will be disposed of.

Tuesday Power Interruptions Affecting Five Counties

A statement from Kenya Power has indicated that at least five counties will experience power interruptions on Tuesday. These interruptions are scheduled between 8 am and 5 pm and will affect the following counties: Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Kajiado, Kiambu, and Mombasa.

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Eight Cops to be Arraigned Over Disappearance of Two Indians

Today, eight police officers formerly associated with the disbanded Special Service Unit will be arraigned. They are suspected to be connected to the disappearance of two Indian nationals and their Kenyan taxi driver. The arraignment will take place before senior principal magistrate Boaz Ombewa at the Kahawa Law Court.

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