Agora Discourse Allegedly Bankrolled by Foreign Interests – The Ankole Times

Agora Discourse Allegedly Bankrolled by Foreign Interests

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Foreign Funding Allegations Tied to Agora Discourse’s Activities Against Speaker Among

Allegations have surfaced suggesting foreign involvement in the ongoing efforts to discredit Speaker Anita Among, centered around her advocacy for the Homosexuality Bill criminalizing same-sex acts.

According to three independent sources, foreign entities are allegedly channeling funds through Agora Discourse, an activist group leading the public action against the Speaker’s stance on same-sex relationships.

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Parliament’s Publicist, Chris Obore, echoed these allegations during a discussion organized by Agora Discourse, suggesting that the group’s campaign targets Among due to her support for the Homosexuality Bill and insinuating foreign embassy involvement in financing these efforts.

Last year, Speaker Among championed the passage of the Homosexuality Bill, asserting the Ugandan Parliament’s commitment to legislation reflecting societal values. She further urged East African parliamentarians to follow Uganda’s lead, emphasizing the bill’s role in preserving Ugandan morals and traditions.

In response to Among’s advocacy, LGBT+ activists in the UK and Uganda have called on the British government to deny her entry to the Commonwealth’s 75th-anniversary event. Peter Tatchell, a prominent LGBT+ campaigner, cited Among’s support for legislation imposing severe penalties on same-sex acts as contradictory to British values.

Acting on behalf of Ugandan LGBT+ campaigners, Tatchell urged Speaker Hoyle to intervene, expressing concerns about Among’s presence undermining public order and human rights principles.

Sources indicate that President Museveni has been made aware of allegations linking Agora Discourse to foreign funding, leading to his silence on the matter.

Following these developments, Speaker Among has instructed her parliamentary staff to compile financial accountabilities for a forthcoming statement addressing the nation.

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Concerns over expenditure have also been raised within Parliament, coinciding with the accountability campaign initiated under the hashtag #UgandaParliamentExhibition.

Key Points Details
Allegations of Foreign Funding Foreign entities allegedly channeling funds through Agora Discourse to discredit Speaker Among.
Speaker’s Advocacy for Homosexuality Bill Among led efforts to pass the Homosexuality Bill criminalizing same-sex acts, asserting Ugandan Parliament’s commitment to societal values.
Reaction from LGBT+ Activists LGBT+ activists in the UK and Uganda urged the British government to deny Speaker Among entry to the Commonwealth event, citing concerns over her support for anti-LGBT legislation.
Parliament’s Response Parliament’s Publicist corroborated allegations of foreign involvement in targeting Speaker Among, leading to investigations into Agora Discourse’s activities.
President’s Awareness President Museveni has reportedly been informed of allegations implicating foreign funding in the campaign against Speaker Among.
Speaker’s Directive Speaker Among instructed her staff to compile financial accountabilities to address the nation regarding the allegations.
Expenditure Concerns Concerns over expenditure have been raised within Parliament, coinciding with the accountability campaign under the hashtag #UgandaParliamentExhibition.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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