Hamas Official Walks Out of BBC Interview Amid Questions on Alleged War Crimes – The Ankole Times

Hamas Official Walks Out of BBC Interview Amid Questions on Alleged War Crimes

Saturday, October 28, 2023

In a recent interview with the BBC, a senior Hamas official, Ghazi Hamad, abruptly terminated the conversation when confronted with inquiries about the alleged war crimes committed by the group during the October 7 massacre. The interview, conducted by BBC’s Middle East correspondent Hugo Bachega, aimed to address the disturbing events that unfolded earlier this month, resulting in the deaths of over 1,400 people and the kidnapping of hundreds.

Hamad, during the interview, denied any explicit orders to target civilians, emphasizing the wide area and ongoing clashes. However, Bachega challenged this narrative, accusing Hamas of invading houses and questioning the justification for killing people as they slept, including entire families. In response, Hamad abruptly removed his microphone, ending the interview with a declaration, “I want to stop this interview.”

The October 7 massacre has raised significant concerns globally, with reports of Hamas kidnapping Holocaust survivors, committing sexual assault, beheading children, and burning infants alive. Despite Hamad’s denial of intentional civilian casualties, substantial evidence suggests otherwise, drawing parallels between the actions of Hamas and other notorious groups like ISIS.

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One captured Hamas terrorist, in interrogation, disclosed horrific details, admitting to beheading individuals and engaging in despicable acts with the bodies of deceased victims. The shocking revelations add to the mounting evidence challenging Hamas’s claims of innocence in the face of grave accusations.

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