Queensland Police Recognized for Saving Man Trapped in Grain Silo – The Ankole Times

Queensland Police Recognized for Saving Man Trapped in Grain Silo

Sunday, October 29, 2023

In a remote area of Queensland, three police officers have been honored for their remarkable courage and quick thinking in saving a man who was trapped under a massive amount of grain inside a silo. This life-threatening incident took place on February 23 and was captured in heart-stopping video footage.

The man in distress, identified as John from Baralaba, found himself submerged under a sea of grain within the confines of a grain silo. The officers, faced with a perilous situation, began a desperate hand-digging effort to clear space around him, allowing him to breathe.

As the video shows, after successfully freeing John’s upper body from the suffocating grains, the officers attached a rope securely around him. With the assistance of other individuals outside the silo, they initiated the painstaking process of pulling him to safety.

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The tension in the video escalates as the officers work diligently to create a hole in the side of the container, enabling enough grain to escape and ultimately freeing John from his harrowing predicament. Throughout this intense operation, Sergeant Wylie Steel and Senior Constable Callam Moriarty can be heard encouraging and guiding John, providing him with the reassurance he needed.

Yesterday, these valiant officers were recognized with the Working Together Award at the Queensland Police Everyday Hero awards held in Brisbane. Their heroic actions in this daring rescue operation demonstrated the epitome of selflessness and professionalism, exemplifying the core values of the Queensland Police force.

Senior Constable Callam Moriarty expressed his profound gratitude for the unexpected honor, describing it as “incredibly humbling.” He emphasized the significance of their role in a small town, highlighting the importance of fostering connections with the local community.

Moriarty reflected on the extraordinary support they received from the community during the rescue mission. He noted that local businesses closed their doors, and individuals even abandoned their work to come to their aid. This collective effort exemplified the power of community bonds and the unwavering spirit of unity during times of crisis.

In total, twenty-two individuals, including volunteers and career police officers, were nominated across various categories for their remarkable contributions to the community.

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