Bugisu King Returns from Successful European Tour, Signs Cultural Pacts – The Ankole Times

Bugisu King Returns from Successful European Tour, Signs Cultural Pacts

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Bugisu cultural leader, His Royal Highness Jude Mike Mudoma, the Umukuka of Bamasaaba, landed at Entebbe International Airport at approximately 10 a.m. Ugandan time. The Umukuka had been in Europe for about two weeks on an official cultural tour of duty, where he met philanthropic groups and academia, among others.

During his European tour, the cultural leader was accompanied by several members of parliament from Bugisu, notably the National Unity Platform Deputy President for Eastern Uganda and Opposition Chief Whip, Hon. Nambeshe, who also serves as Manjiya County legislator. Others were Hon. Wanda, MP for Bungokho Central, and Mr. Masereje, an official of the legal framework.

Others on the cultural leader’s itinerary included Emyooga chief coordinator and aspirant Woman MP for Mbale City, Hon. Ritah Namuwenge, church and NGO representatives like Samuel Watulastu and Pastor Mwenyi Apollo. The Prime Minister of Inzuyamasaba was also part of the delegation.

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The cultural leader, who landed at Entebbe International Airport accompanied by his wife, the Umukukhu of Bamasaaba, was welcomed by Inzuyamasaba treasurer and some clan chairmen.

On arrival, he headed directly to Bugisu and was received by a group of supporters who drove all the way from various corners of the cultural institution to welcome him at the border between Bugisu and Bugwere cultural institution. The Elgon Police commander dispatched a police lead car that escorted the over 50 cars, which accompanied the cultural leader to his home.

The organizing committee for his homecoming was led by Hajji Mansa Musa, a former LCIII chairperson of the Industrial Division, and Inzuyamasaba officials, including the Secretary-General Herbert Mulekwa, Finance and Administration official Mubuya Godwin Mubuya, Mayor Nabumali Town Council Mr. Kutoi, Mr. Nelson Wedaira, the spokesperson of Inzuyamasaba, among others.

While in Europe, the cultural leader was welcomed by the Welsh County government and philanthropic groups and signed a series of cultural pacts with the Europeans, meant to benefit his Kingdom in various dimensions. He was officially hosted by the Bamasaaba community in the UK as well.

The writer is a researcher from Mbale and spokesperson for Inzuyamasaba.

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