Peace Brings Prosperity: Cattle Prices Soar in Karamoja Region – The Ankole Times

Peace Brings Prosperity: Cattle Prices Soar in Karamoja Region

Saturday, October 7, 2023
PHOTO - Petnah Africa Tours - Dominic Lokiru, the chairperson of the Moroto abattoir slaughter group, acknowledged the boom in the cattle industry and advised Karamoja residents to use this season as an opportunity to diversify their sources of income.
Ibrahim Jjunju
2 Min Read

Cattle prices in the Karamoja sub-region have increased significantly, with prices rising steadily, according to reports from Nadunget Market. A large bull, for example, now commands a price of 2.2 million Shillings, up from 1.8 million Shillings just a few days ago. Medium-sized cattle are being sold for prices ranging between 950,000 shillings and 1.7 million shillings, while mature sheep and goats are priced at approximately UGX 250,000 and UGX 300,000, respectively.

David Koriang, a local trader, expressed his enthusiasm about the positive impact of the relative peace in the region. He noted that the cattle trade had experienced turmoil for years due to issues like cattle theft but emphasized that the results of peace were now evident. Koriang encouraged local residents to embrace and maintain the peace for their benefit.

Genesis Byarufu, a resident of Katakwi district, attributed the price hike to the scarcity of animals in the market. He pointed out that competition for the limited available animals was driving up prices and making the cattle business challenging to manage due to the high costs associated with livestock and transportation.

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Christopher Nkulete, another trader from Budaka district, expressed concern that the escalating prices might force them out of the cattle business. He highlighted the challenges of selling a 100 kg cow for UGX 1.3 million while incurring transportation costs of UGX 20,000 to UGX 50,000 for hiring trucks, or even higher costs for those sending cattle to Kampala at UGX 150,000.

Dominic Lokiru, the chairperson of the Moroto abattoir slaughter group, acknowledged the boom in the cattle industry and advised Karamoja residents to use this season as an opportunity to diversify their sources of income.

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