Stanbic Bank Donates 21 Million Shillings Worth of Theater Equipment to Alebtong Health Centre IV – The Ankole Times

Stanbic Bank Donates 21 Million Shillings Worth of Theater Equipment to Alebtong Health Centre IV

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Alebtong Health Centre IV has received a donation of theater equipment valued at 21 million Ugandan shillings. This generous donation comes from Stanbic Bank Uganda, and it aims to bolster the healthcare infrastructure at Alebtong HC-IV, which serves the local community.

The donation includes essential medical equipment, such as an adjustable operating and delivery bed, a theater operation table, and 100 boxes of mama kits. These mama kits were promptly distributed to expectant mothers who had sought antenatal services at the facility on a Friday.

Prior to this donation, Alebtong Health Centre IV faced a shortage of critical theater equipment, including operating tables, lamps, laparotomy sets, and patient monitors. Despite these limitations, the facility has been performing more than 25 cesarean section deliveries each month in its existing, under-equipped theater. Moreover, it handles over 4,000 out-patient attendances and deliveries.

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Dr. Tony Odung, the District Health Officer, emphasized the dire consequences of lacking theater equipment, noting that the district had witnessed maternal referrals resulting in tragic outcomes. He expressed his gratitude to Stanbic Bank for their support while urging them to consider further assistance, as there is still much-needed equipment.

Tich Makonese, the Executive Head of Insurance and Asset Monitoring at Stanbic Bank, shared the bank’s motivation for this act of generosity. He explained that October holds special significance at Stanbic Bank as a “month of love,” and they have chosen to support expectant mothers to contribute to the country’s development.

Habib Abubakar, the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, recognized the profound impact of the donation in addressing critical gaps within the health department. He emphasized the positive change it would bring to the healthcare system.

David Kennedy Odongo, the district chairperson, also commended the donation, stating that it would support the district’s budget and enhance service delivery, particularly for expectant mothers. He encouraged medical personnel to ensure the safe and effective utilization of the new equipment, ultimately improving healthcare services.

The chairperson took the opportunity to encourage mothers to choose Alebtong Health Centre IV for their deliveries and shared information about the benefits of having fewer children.

This significant donation from Stanbic Bank is expected to fill the crucial gaps in theater equipment that had previously prevented Alebtong HCIV from participating in essential surgical activities, such as the recently concluded surgical camp organized by the Association of Surgeons.

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As a proud contributor to both The Ankole Times and NS Media, Evelyn has her finger on the pulse of what's hot and happening. When she's not busy crafting headlines that can make a hyena laugh, Atim enjoys taking long walks through the vibrant streets of Uganda, seeking inspiration in the most unexpected places—like the chaotic traffic or the street food vendors whose stories are as spicy as their dishes.
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