Vivo Energy Uganda Takes the Lead in Battling Adulterated Fuel and Lubricants – The Ankole Times

Vivo Energy Uganda Takes the Lead in Battling Adulterated Fuel and Lubricants

Saturday, October 21, 2023

In a recent development, the Lubricants Brand Manager of Vivo Energy Uganda, Ms. Rebecca Nassiwa, has highlighted the importance of high-quality lubricants in maintaining superior engine cleanliness and achieving better fuel economy and peak engine performance. She made these remarks during the launch of a campaign aimed at promoting self-regulation in the country’s oil industry.

Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), the nation’s standards authority, has called upon oil industry players, including fuel and lubricant dealers, to take responsibility for monitoring their adherence to quality standards. Before any regulatory intervention, UNBS believes that self-regulation should be the primary defense mechanism.

Experts in the oil industry suggest that by adhering to self-regulation, industry players can establish effective checks and balances, reducing the need for strict regulatory enforcement.

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UNBS spokesperson, Ms. Sylvia Kirabo, stated, “We encourage self-regulation among fuel and lubricant dealers.” She also emphasized that UNBS quality monitoring teams remain active in the field to oversee the situation.

As some fuel retailers become accustomed to the concept of self-regulation, Vivo Energy Uganda, a market leader trading as Shell, has taken a leading role in promoting self-regulation. Their initiative, known as ‘Bikula Bonnet,’ aims to educate over 15,000 motorists directly about the importance of using genuine motor oils in their engines. The campaign also seeks to spread this vital message across the country.

Research reveals that many motorists neglect to pay proper attention to the quality of oil they use in their engines, leading to engine damage. Mr. Paul Kaganzi, Shell Lubricant and Fuel Ambassador, warned that cases of engine knock resulting from adulterated or substandard lubricants are on the rise. UNBS supports these concerns and advises motorists to be vigilant about the products they use, suggesting that only professionals in the field should handle the task. This advice aligns with Mr. Kaganzi’s perspective, who is an experienced professional automotive mechanic.

Rebecca Nassiwa, the Lubricants Brand Manager at Vivo Energy Uganda, reiterated that high-quality lubricants are essential for superior engine cleanliness and improved fuel economy and engine performance.

Alex Tusingwire, her colleague, announced that during the next ten weeks of the campaign, customers across the country would receive education about the importance of using genuine lubricants.

Johan Grobbelaar, Managing Director of Vivo Energy Uganda, emphasized that the company’s commitment extends beyond the promotion, reflecting its dedication to ensuring customers have a valuable experience.

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This campaign follows the launch of the Shell V-Power campaign, which aims to draw motorists’ attention to the risks of using adulterated fuel and its detrimental effects on their vehicles’ engines.

Mr. Kaganzi referred to a UNBS report, stating that fuel adulteration is a genuine concern with devastating effects on engine performance, underscoring the importance of using high-quality products to avoid costly repairs.

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