New Kampala Flyover Restricts Boda Bodas and Trucks – The Ankole Times

New Kampala Flyover Restricts Boda Bodas and Trucks

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The recently constructed Kampala flyover will impose restrictions on pedestrians, boda bodas, and vehicles weighing over 7.5 tons, according to Works and Transport Minister, General Edward Katumba Wamala.

Pedestrians are advised to use designated crossing points to avoid accidents, as individuals knocked down from other areas won’t be compensated. General Katumba urged cooperation from the public in reporting government vehicles driven recklessly by uploading pictures on social media for appropriate action.

Furthermore, General Katumba directed Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) to enforce the Road Safety Act of 2019, which prohibits business activities on road reserves and roadsides, hindering traffic flow and pedestrian access.

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Violating the Road Safety Act can result in fines or imprisonment, with fines not exceeding 168 currency points, where each point is equivalent to 20,000 Ugandan Shillings.

Despite previous efforts to clear street vendors from the city center, vendors have returned to conduct business. David Luyimbazi, Deputy Executive Director of KCCA, emphasized the need to prevent people from operating in road reserves and implement post-eviction plans to decongest the city.

John Bosco Ssejjemba, Director of Road Infrastructure at the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), highlighted collaborative efforts with KCCA to clear road reserves, leveraging initiatives like the National Action Plan (NAM).

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