Christmas Surprise: New Cars for Former Parliament Speakers – The Ankole Times

Christmas Surprise: New Cars for Former Parliament Speakers

Monday, December 18, 2023

Former Speakers of Parliament are slated to be presented with new vehicles. The scheduled handover ceremony will be presided over by the current Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, on December 18, 2023.

The recipients of these vehicles include Al Haji Moses Kigongo, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, Rebecca Kadaga, and Prof. Edward Rugumayo. This gesture is anticipated to be a special Christmas gift for the esteemed individuals who have previously held the position of Speaker in the Parliament.

Update to this story by A.J Jobi

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Parliament Allocates Shs 2.5bn for Former Speakers’ Vehicles

Uganda’s Parliament has allocated Shs 2.5 billion for brand new Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) for former Speakers of Parliament. The vehicles, Land Cruiser models, were handed over to Al Hajji Moses Kigongo, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, and Prof. Edward Rugumayo, each costing at least Shs 500 million.

Speaker of Parliament Anita Among stated that these cars are replaceable every five years. The taxpayer will cover the expenses for the former Speakers’ drivers, vehicle maintenance, and fuel. Among emphasized the responsibility of Parliament to take care of them, stating, “You are the property of Parliament.”

In 2020, the Administration of Judiciary Act was passed to address the needs of several former speakers not covered by the existing pension regime. This legislative move was prompted by the realization that former Speakers like Hajji Moses Kigongo were not included in the Parliamentary Pension Act.

Former Speakers, including Francis K. Butagira and Edward Rugumayo, who were not initially covered by the pension act, are entitled to various benefits. According to the law, a former Speaker receives an annual housing allowance of Shs 300 million, a monthly pension of Shs 6.7 million, and additional benefits such as police guards, personal secretaries, and domestic servants.

Despite the legal entitlements, the substantial expenditure on luxury vehicles for former Speakers has stirred criticism among some Ugandans. Concerns have been raised about the necessity of providing new vehicles when some former officials, like Ms. Kadaga and Mr. Ssekandi, received car grants and SUVs in 2021. Additionally, citizens express frustration over the allocation of funds for vehicles instead of addressing pressing issues such as improving regional hospitals and essential public services.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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