Concerns Rise as Omoro Town Center Faces Open Defecation Epidemic Amidst Insufficient Toilets – The Ankole Times

Concerns Rise as Omoro Town Center Faces Open Defecation Epidemic Amidst Insufficient Toilets

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Local leaders in Omoro Town Council, Omoro District, express concern over the growing number of commercial buildings in the town center without toilet facilities, leading to open defecation among residents due to insufficient availability of proper sanitation facilities.

A health committee report released in the last quarter reveals that many people, especially developers with commercial buildings in the business center of Omoro Town Council, lack toilet facilities for their tenants.

The report indicates that the toilet coverage in Omoro Town Council stands at 65%, leaving the remaining 35% to those resorting to open defecation in nearby bushes and corridors.

This practice raises significant public health concerns for the town council residents as it leads to the contamination of crucial water sources, such as springs, shallow wells, and rivers, essential for the community’s well-being.

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Omoro District Local Government Sign Post. Photo by Ojara Daniel

Dr. Joyce Aneno Oywelo, the Health Inspector of Omoro Town Council, confirmed the report and highlighted that the most affected area is the town center, where many developers lack toilet facilities and proper waste disposal pits.

She attributes this issue to insufficient enforcement of health regulations in Omoro Town Council and resistance from some local politicians who oppose such initiatives.

However, she added that they are in the process of implementing health sanitization measures to address these challenges.

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