South Sudan Ambassador Issues Guidelines for Nationals and Students in Uganda – The Ankole Times

South Sudan Ambassador Issues Guidelines for Nationals and Students in Uganda

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The South Sudanese Ambassador to Uganda, HE Simon Juach Deng, has advised South Sudanese nationals and students in Uganda to ensure they have their valid identification documents with them at all times. This advice aims to prevent any potential conflicts with Ugandan immigration officers.

Recently, over 15 South Sudanese individuals were detained by Ugandan immigration officers. However, the intervention of the South Sudanese embassy led to the release of 14 of them. Ambassador Deng clarified that these detentions were part of routine immigration operations, refuting claims of kidnapping circulating on social media.

He emphasized that South Sudanese citizens in Uganda are not in danger and encouraged them to lead normal lives. Nonetheless, he urged Ugandan authorities to notify the embassy of any arrests of South Sudanese nationals, enabling them to provide necessary assistance.

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To avoid harassment during immigration checks, Ambassador Deng urged South Sudanese residents in Uganda to regularize their legal status. He provided guidelines for nationals, emphasizing the importance of updating immigration status, obtaining student visas through schools, adhering to visa regulations, and processing national documents like passports and national IDs.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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