Impersonating a Lawyer in Kabale: The Max Besigye Case – The Ankole Times

Impersonating a Lawyer in Kabale: The Max Besigye Case

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Fake Lawyer of Kabale: Max Besigye’s Deception and Consequences

In a case that has shaken the legal community in Kabale, Max Besigye, a 40-year-old man, found himself in the midst of a legal storm. His appearance before the Kabale Grade I Magistrates Court ended in a shocking revelation – he was impersonating a lawyer. The consequences of his actions were swift and decisive.

Besigye’s arrest took place at the Kabale Chief Magistrates Court, where he had posed as a lawyer representing clients in the Kabale Grade I Magistrates Court on Makanga Hill in Kabale Municipality. The court proceedings were presided over by His Worship Pascal Olupot.

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The case in question involved a taxation process related to the execution carried out by court bailiffs from Murambi Auctioneers and High Court Bailiffs, led by Richard Muhanguzi. They were in possession of land associated with a dispute between Seperenza Tibasima and Joy Busingye, who had won the land case claim in miscellaneous application 30 of 2016.

Besigye’s deception unraveled when he was asked by the Magistrate to present his practicing certificate, which he failed to do. Upon further investigation, it became clear that the law firm, Kabali, Sebowa and Company Advocates, from which Besigye claimed to hail, did not actually exist. Faced with the evidence, Besigye admitted that he was not a lawyer and appealed to the magistrate for leniency.

Joy Busingye, who had given Besigye Shs 1,000,000 as legal fees to represent her in court, testified about her financial dealings with him.

Besigye pleaded guilty and expressed remorse for his actions, explaining that he was not a lawyer but had resorted to this impersonation as a means of survival.

In response, His Worship Olupot handed down a 14-day sentence for Besigye to serve in the Ndorwa Government Prison. Additionally, the Magistrate ordered Besigye to refund the Shs 1,000,000 he had received from Busingye. Ultimately, he was sentenced to serve six months in prison.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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