Kitutu's Iron Sheet Diversion Case Returns to Court on Monday – The Ankole Times

Kitutu’s Iron Sheet Diversion Case Returns to Court on Monday

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The legal proceedings regarding the alleged diversion of iron sheets meant for the Karamoja sub-region are set to resume on Monday, April 15, 2024, at the Anti-Corruption Court in Kampala. Goretti Kitutu, the Manafwa district Woman MP, along with her brother Micheal Naboya Kitutu and Karamoja affairs ministry senior assistant secretary Joshua Abaho, are facing charges in connection with this case.

Kitutu faces charges related to the loss of public property and conspiracy to defraud, while Naboya is accused of receiving stolen property, and Abaho is charged with corruption. If convicted, Kitutu could face a maximum sentence of 10 years for loss of public property and three years for conspiracy to defraud, as per the relevant legal provisions.

The case is being presided over by Justice Jane Okuo Kajuga, with defence lawyer Jude Byamukama representing Kitutu and Chief State Attorney David Bisamunyu prosecuting the case. The allegations stem from events that allegedly occurred between June 2022 and January 2023 at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) stores in Namanve.

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According to the prosecution, Kitutu is accused of diverting 9,000 pre-painted iron sheets and 5,500 pre-painted iron sheets from their intended purpose under the Karamoja Community Development Programme (KCEP) for her own benefit and that of third parties. Additionally, Kitutu, Naboya, and Abaho are alleged to have conspired to defraud beneficiaries under the KCEP of 9,000 pre-painted iron sheets.

Naboya is specifically accused of receiving 100 pre-coated iron sheets marked OPM-Uganda, while Abaho, as a public official in the Karamoja Affairs ministry, is alleged to have diverted iron sheets for purposes unrelated to those intended under the KCEP. The prosecution contends that Abaho received these iron sheets by virtue of his position for custody and distribution but diverted them for the benefit of third parties.

The allegations are serious and carry significant legal consequences if proven true. The continuation of the trial will provide an opportunity for both the defence and prosecution to present their respective arguments and evidence before the court.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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