Museveni's Directive: Nomadic Pastoralists Given 3 Weeks to Leave Northern Uganda – The Ankole Times

Museveni’s Directive: Nomadic Pastoralists Given 3 Weeks to Leave Northern Uganda

Saturday, November 4, 2023

President Yoweri Museveni has once again directed the nomadic pastoralists, commonly known as Balaalo, to depart from northern Uganda if they are unwilling to comply with the law.

In a meeting held in Amuru district, the president, along with leaders from the Acholi sub-region, discussed the issue concerning these nomadic pastoralists. He expressed his concerns about their presence in non-fenced areas and their lack of control over their cattle. Museveni emphasized that such actions amounted to recklessness.

As a result, he issued an ultimatum: Those individuals who have cattle in unfenced areas in the Acholi, Lango, and West Nile sub-regions must leave immediately, with a maximum grace period of three weeks from today. Furthermore, anyone occupying government land, such as Aswa ranch, Lakang, or land allocated for the Madvhani group, must vacate immediately, or they will face eviction within the same three-week timeframe.

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Museveni’s directive carries serious implications for the nomadic pastoralists and land occupants in the specified regions.

Key Directives by President Museveni

Directives Deadline for Compliance
Balaalo with cattle in unfenced areas Three weeks from today
Occupants of government land Three weeks from today

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