Police Clash with Molly Katanga's Relatives at IHK Hospital – The Ankole Times

Police Clash with Molly Katanga’s Relatives at IHK Hospital

Monday, December 18, 2023

A recent clash at IHK Hospital in Namuwongo, Kampala unfolded between Uganda Police Force and the relatives of Molly Katanga, the main suspect in the murder investigation of businessman Henry Katanga.

Molly Katanga is currently admitted at IHK hospital in Namuwongo, Kampala, where the clash occurred. Kampala Associated Advocates (KAA), representing Molly, reported that police threatened to arrest one of Molly’s associates during an operation on her head at the hospital.

In a letter to the Principal Judge, KAA stated that police officers forcibly attempted to enter the theatre during Molly’s operation on December 12, 2023. The lawyers claimed that the police confrontation was recorded by Molly’s next of kin, leading to further attempts by officers to delete the recordings and subsequent allegations of obstruction of justice.

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On November 21, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) charged Molly with the murder of Henry Katanga, explaining that she was undergoing treatment at C-Care – IHK Hospital, and hence, was not produced in court.

Katanga’s family members accused Molly of feigning illness to delay prosecution, asserting that she should face the law immediately. Molly’s brother-in-law, James Mudingi, questioned the authenticity of Molly’s illness, alleging staged admissions and pointing out specific incidents at the hospital.

The case involves wealthy military families, with the Katanga family believing Molly intentionally caused her husband’s death. Conversely, Molly’s associates present her as a victim of domestic violence, citing injuries sustained from her deceased husband.

KAA emphasized Molly’s medical condition, stating that multiple surgeries have resulted in stagnated healing and mobility issues. They highlighted difficulties in obtaining a brain MRI scan due to police presence, alleging active obstruction by the police during medical procedures.

The lawyers argued for Molly’s constitutional rights, emphasizing her right to life, privacy, and the presumption of innocence. They called on the Principal Judge to intervene and prevent interference with Molly’s medical treatment and trial, requesting clear directions for ongoing criminal proceedings to avoid trial by media based on leaks.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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