Tragic Journey of Soroti Magistrate Margaret Aanyu Exposes Uganda's Healthcare Failures – The Ankole Times

Tragic Journey of Soroti Magistrate Margaret Aanyu Exposes Uganda’s Healthcare Failures

Saturday, October 28, 2023

By the time Margaret Aanyu took her last feeble breath at Kampala Hospital on October 15, she had been moved from two hospitals in Soroti City before she was referred to Kampala. The tragic tale of her healthcare journey reveals the shortcomings of the healthcare system.

Since Friday, October 13, 1307, when the Knights Templar of France were rounded up by King Philip IV of France, the superstitious have considered Friday the 13th to be an unlucky day. Loved ones of Margaret Aanyu, the former Soroti Chief Magistrate, tragically find themselves in agreement.

Aanyu’s health took a devastating turn on that ill-fated Friday, over a fortnight ago, when she felt unwell. She would never regain her health. Despite wanting to check into the hospital for treatment, her weakness prevented her from driving. This delay was a missed opportunity to save her life.

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Dr. James Opio, a close relative, revealed that between 6 pm and 7 pm on that Friday, they had to break into her bedroom to find her unconscious and in a soiled state. Aanyu was immediately taken to Bethesda’s Hospital in Soroti City, but the facility couldn’t handle her breathing difficulties.

The journey to save her life continued as she was referred to the Doctor’s Plaza. Her blood pressure was alarmingly high at double the normal rate, and it was here that the healthcare odyssey began.

The Healthcare Journey of Margaret Aanyu

Date & Time Location Event
Friday, October 13, 1307 Soroti Aanyu wakes up feeling unwell.
Friday evening Soroti Missed opportunity due to communication blackout.
Friday night Soroti Found unconscious and soiled.
Friday night Soroti Transferred to Bethesda’s Hospital.
Friday night Soroti Breathing difficulties beyond Bethesda’s capacity.
Friday night Soroti Referred to Doctor’s Plaza.
Friday night Kumi District Ambulance journey to Kampala starts.
Friday night Kumi District Ambulance halts due to a shortage of oxygen.
Friday night Kumi District Quest for oxygen at Kumi Health Centre IV.
Friday night Kumi District Quest for oxygen at Kumi Orthopaedic Hospital.
Friday night Kumi District Ambulance finally gets oxygen at Ongiino Health Centre.
Saturday, wee hours Kampala Aanyu arrives at Kampala Hospital.
Saturday, daytime Kampala Brain bleed detected.
Saturday, 11 pm Uganda Stabilizing Aanyu’s brain pressure for transfer to Nairobi.
Saturday, 6 am Kampala Aanyu reaches Aga Khan Hospital, Nairobi.
Sunday, 11 am – 12 pm Nairobi Heart attack and severe brain bleeding.
Sunday Nairobi Margaret Aanyu’s battle ends.


The brain bleed discovery altered her course once again. She was referred to Aga Khan Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. Doctors in Nairobi recommended stabilizing her brain pressure before evacuation. The procedure was successful, and there were signs of improvement. However, a heart attack, triggered by high blood pressure, led to severe brain bleeding, ending Aanyu’s life.

Aanyu had an extraordinary workload as she was overseeing multiple regions, writing judgments late into the night, and earning a reputation as one of the most incorruptible judges. She dedicated herself to her job and even managed to support her sister during her cancer battle.

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Her son, Francis Ian Onapito, helped organize her legal documents, and her friends remembered her as a committed and God-fearing individual who contributed to her church. Her son’s father, Onapito Ekomoloit, described her as a strong and beautiful fighter. They had managed to raise their son, Ian, over the past 20 years.

Margaret Aanyu was born on November 11, 1969, and pursued her education from primary school to law school, becoming a respected legal professional. She was laid to rest at her ancestral home in Kasoka, Bukedea District.

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As a proud contributor to both The Ankole Times and NS Media, Evelyn has her finger on the pulse of what's hot and happening. When she's not busy crafting headlines that can make a hyena laugh, Atim enjoys taking long walks through the vibrant streets of Uganda, seeking inspiration in the most unexpected places—like the chaotic traffic or the street food vendors whose stories are as spicy as their dishes.
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