Uganda Defies Western Pressure on Anti-LGBTQ Laws – The Ankole Times

Uganda Defies Western Pressure on Anti-LGBTQ Laws

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Uganda has accused Western nations, particularly the United States, of exerting pressure to endorse same-sex relationships. The criticism comes after the US imposed visa restrictions on Ugandan officials in response to the country’s stringent anti-gay laws.

The East African nation implemented one of the world’s strictest anti-gay laws in May, drawing condemnation from human rights organizations, the United Nations, and Western countries. The legislation includes severe penalties, such as life imprisonment for consensual same-sex relations and capital punishment for “aggravated homosexuality.”

In June, Washington initiated a round of visa restrictions on Ugandan officials, escalating the diplomatic tension. Last month, the US announced the removal of Uganda from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade pact starting January 2024.

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Ugandan State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Henry Okello Oryem, expressed criticism of the US decision, accusing the West of pursuing a hidden agenda. Oryem emphasized that Uganda remains committed to its development program and will not be swayed by aid or loans with conditions attached.

Despite warnings from US President Joe Biden, the European Union, and UN Chief Antonio Guterres about potential repercussions on aid and investment, the anti-gay law enjoys broad support within Uganda. Lawmakers in the conservative country view the measures as a necessary defense against what they perceive as Western immorality.

In response to the controversial legislation, the World Bank suspended new loans to Uganda in August, citing a fundamental contradiction with the values upheld by the US-based lender. International donors had previously reduced aid to Uganda in 2014 when President Yoweri Museveni approved a bill proposing life imprisonment for homosexual relations, a decision later overturned.

The constitutional court in Kampala is set to begin hearing a case against the anti-gay legislation on Monday, indicating ongoing legal challenges and international scrutiny surrounding Uganda’s stance on LGBTQ rights.

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