12 Arrested for Crop Destruction in Mityana Land Dispute – The Ankole Times

12 Arrested for Crop Destruction in Mityana Land Dispute

Monday, October 30, 2023

A land dispute in Mityana district has resulted in the arrest of twelve individuals. The dispute centers around a parcel of land in Kawomya Village, Busunju town council, where a group of relatives who have utilized the land for some time are facing eviction by another relative, known as Mubiru. Mubiru claims ownership of the land as the heir to Yekosofati Mukuye Kikere (RIP).

On a fateful Sunday, Mubiru reportedly mobilized a group of over 50 individuals armed with machetes, who swiftly destroyed more than 16 acres of crops, including banana plantations, tomato fields, and cassava gardens, all within a mere hour.

Deputy Resident District Commissioner, Prossy Mwanjuzi, who has been monitoring this land dispute since July, took action and ordered the arrest of nine individuals believed to be supporters of Mubiru’s actions. Additionally, three more people were apprehended at an unfinished nearby house.

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Mwanjuzi had previously advised the involved relatives to apply for letters of administration, which they had done. The aim was for the parties to fairly divide the land, now under administration, but Mubiru allegedly proceeded to sell the land, escalating the conflict.

The scene also revealed a saloon car with registration number UAJ 340, suspected to belong to a surveyor and casual laborers designated to demarcate the land plots. The police impounded the car and transported it to Busunju Police Station while awaiting the owner’s identification.

Mwanjuzi urged the affected relatives to remain patient and allow relevant authorities and institutions to address the matter.

Some of the relatives who suffered crop losses placed blame on the Mityana Police for their alleged failure to intervene and prevent the destruction, hinting at potential police involvement in the dispute. Their lawyer, Julius Ibembe, claimed that they had reported the impending threat to the Busunju Police, but their pleas went unanswered. Additionally, the police reportedly refused to provide a case reference.

Mwanjuzi also criticized the police for their delay in responding to the situation, even though the land in question is situated less than two kilometers from the Busunju Police Station. Despite being informed about the group destroying the gardens, the police took over two hours to reach the scene.

The Wamala Police region spokesperson, Racheal Kawala, stated that she was investigating the complaint and would provide further comments at a later time.

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