Arua Residents Demand Humps on Hazardous Nebbi Highway – The Ankole Times

Arua Residents Demand Humps on Hazardous Nebbi Highway

Friday, November 3, 2023

A section of residents from Onzivu ward is urgently requesting the installation of speed humps on identified accident-prone sections of the Arua-Nebbi highway. The aim is to mitigate road accidents and enhance safety in the area.

The residents particularly emphasize the need for road safety measures along the stretch between Awindiri market and Ragem Technical Institute. This segment of the highway has experienced a high incidence of road crashes.

The plea for road safety improvements was made during a community baraza (dialogue) held recently in Onzivu ward. The villagers have expressed their concerns regarding the presence of schools, hospitals, and markets along the highway, which heightens the necessity for the installation of speed humps and zebra crossings to protect lives.

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Shida Mariam, the village health team coordinator for Onzivu ward, pointed out the importance of implementing these safety measures. She emphasized the potential to save lives, especially in areas with high pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Moses Alionzi, the village chairperson of the area, disclosed that the community had taken the initiative to contact the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) and requested the construction of speed humps on the problematic section of the road. Their primary objective was to discourage speeding by motorists and enhance road safety.

However, Alionzi expressed disappointment in the lack of a response from the roads agency, stating, “There are many people who have lost their lives there.” He further revealed that local councilors had collected signatures from residents in an effort to support their request for the installation of road humps. Despite submitting all necessary documents to the Uganda National Roads Authority, no action has been taken to date.

Residents in the region have voiced their concerns and frustrations over this delay. They have heard that humps might not be suitable for a highway, but their primary focus remains on preventing loss of life on this dangerous road.

Ayivu division mayor Marlon Avutia has assured the community that he will bring their request to the attention of UNRA. He emphasized the importance of engaging with the city roads committee to discuss potential road design changes, including the possible introduction of zebra crossings, especially near school zones. However, he also acknowledged the need for a technical assessment to determine the suitability of such safety measures.

Road accidents in the West Nile region have often been attributed to reckless driving and the narrow roads, according to local police. Residents are determined to see safety measures put in place to mitigate these risks and protect lives on the Arua-Nebbi highway.

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As a proud contributor to both The Ankole Times and NS Media, Evelyn has her finger on the pulse of what's hot and happening. When she's not busy crafting headlines that can make a hyena laugh, Atim enjoys taking long walks through the vibrant streets of Uganda, seeking inspiration in the most unexpected places—like the chaotic traffic or the street food vendors whose stories are as spicy as their dishes.
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