Bugiri LCV Chairman Faces Summons Over Police Assault – The Ankole Times

Bugiri LCV Chairman Faces Summons Over Police Assault

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Bugiri district LCV chairman, Davidson Mulumba, has been summoned by the police in Busoga East, Uganda. This summons comes in response to allegations of an assault on Corporal Fred Wabwire, who is in charge of Bugiri General Hospital’s police post.

Cpl. Fred Wabwire claims that Mulumba physically attacked him by slapping and punching him multiple times in the stomach during the early hours of a Friday morning. The altercation began when Wabwire asked Mulumba to identify himself, as the chairman was wearing a black hooded jacket and was accompanied by four other individuals on separate motorcycles. Wabwire insisted on searching them to ensure they were not carrying any dangerous items, which led to an exchange of offensive language from Mulumba’s companions.

According to Wabwire, the situation escalated when Mulumba approached him and initiated the assault while his entourage encouraged the violence. Fortunately, Wabwire was rescued by concerned patients’ attendants who alerted his superiors. It was at this point that Wabwire realized his assailant was none other than the district chairman.

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The background to this incident includes ongoing issues with missing property and hospital equipment at the Bugiri General Hospital, which raised concerns among the staff. To address these concerns, staff decided to search all individuals entering and leaving the hospital, including staff vehicles, to prevent theft and unauthorized access.

In contrast, Mulumba contends that he received information from whistleblowers, suggesting that the police personnel on duty were allegedly locking the hospital gates around midnight and then extorting money from individuals to allow them access. He denies any involvement in the assault on Wabwire, claiming he was simply conducting a fact-finding mission to understand how patients were being treated during nighttime hours.

Bugiri District Police Commander, Godwin Ochaki, emphasized that there is no justifiable reason for one person to physically harm another. He also emphasized the inappropriateness of public assault. Ochaki acknowledged that Wabwire has filed an assault case at Bugiri Central Police Station, and investigations are underway to determine the validity of his claims. Statements are being recorded from eyewitnesses, and formal summons have been issued to Mulumba to provide him with an opportunity for a fair hearing.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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