Corruption Probe Shakes ICT Ministry, Files Disappear – The Ankole Times

Corruption Probe Shakes ICT Ministry, Files Disappear

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
PHOTO -- Ministry of ICT & National Guidance
Elizabeth Karungi
4 Min Read

Allegations of corruption, nepotism, and mismanagement have surfaced within the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, as probe files into these claims have mysteriously gone missing.

Last May, the State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SHACU) launched an investigation into the ministry following tips from whistleblowers.

During the investigation, SHACU uncovered various scams within the ministry, including the misuse and duplication of fuel cards, misappropriation of funds allocated for the Parish Development Model (PDM), and instances of nepotism.

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Central to the investigation was Aminah Zawedde, the ministry’s permanent secretary. However, some sources within the ministry argue that these allegations were part of a witch-hunt aimed at tarnishing her reputation.

Throughout the investigation process, SHACU repeatedly summoned and questioned Zawedde along with several high-ranking ministry officials, leading to the arrest of a few individuals.

According to sources, Zawedde was interrogated by SHACU at least six times.

In September 2023, SHACU concluded its investigation and forwarded the case file to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) for review and guidance on potential charges against the implicated officials.

However, there has been silence surrounding the matter since then, raising suspicions that someone may be intentionally withholding the files to obstruct the case.

When approached for comment, a spokesperson for SHACU stated that the investigations had been completed, and the files had been sent to the ODPP.

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In a surprising turn of events, the ODPP spokesperson, Jacquelyn Okui, claimed that the files had been returned to SHACU for further investigation.

She maintained this stance despite previous statements from SHACU suggesting that the files were with the ODPP.

Currently, the whereabouts of the files remain unclear, fueling speculation among whistleblowers that collusion may be at play to impede justice.

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According to insider sources, significant irregularities were uncovered regarding the utilization of non-taxable revenue (NTR) by the ministry, particularly funds obtained from entities under its supervision, such as the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC).

It was alleged that a substantial portion of these funds was diverted for unauthorized purposes, serving as a means to embezzle public funds.

In June 2023, allegations surfaced that a staff member in the transport section, Alex Mujuni, was found in possession of 27 fuel cards. However, Mujuni was reportedly released shortly afterward following intervention from higher authorities within the ministry.

Furthermore, it was claimed that Mujuni, initially a personal assistant to ICT Minister Chris Baryomunsi, had assumed control over the ministry’s transport department until SHACU intervened.

The whistleblowers also accused Zawedde of colluding with a local television station for media coverage, diverting substantial sums from the ministry’s budget for publicity purposes.

Additionally, concerns were raised regarding Zawedde’s alleged interference with efforts to hold her accountable for the ministry’s mismanagement, including the alleged diversion of funds to undermine investigations into her conduct.

Furthermore, Uganda Telecom Limited pensioners, formerly employed under Uganda Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (UPTC), have expressed dissatisfaction with Zawedde, claiming difficulties in accessing their pensions and accusing her of neglecting their concerns.

Questions are looming over the integrity of operations within the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance, as stakeholders await further developments in the investigation and potential actions to address the alleged misconduct.

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Elizabeth Karungi, a news publisher at The Ankole Times, has been a driving force in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age. Her strategic approach to online content delivery and social media engagement has propelled The Ankole Times to new heights, ensuring its relevance in the fast-paced world of digital news consumption.
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