IGG Orders Arrest of Bugiri Hospital Superintendent for Absenteeism and Drug Sale – The Ankole Times

IGG Orders Arrest of Bugiri Hospital Superintendent for Absenteeism and Drug Sale

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

During a surprise inspection led by Deputy Inspector General of Government (DIGG) Ms. Anne Muhairwe, it was discovered that Dr. Abubaker Nakendo, the Medical Superintendent of Bugiri Hospital, was conspicuously absent. Ms. Muhairwe has now ordered his arrest for absenteeism and involvement in the sale of government drugs.

The Inspectorate of Government team, headed by Ms. Muhairwe, conducted a spot check at Bugiri Hospital. During the surprise inspection, it was found that Dr. Nakendo had not reported to the hospital for about a week, as indicated by some present staff members. Attempts to reach him by phone during the inspection were unsuccessful.

Dr. Isiku Christopher, the doctor on call, was also not near the hospital during the inspection but eventually appeared hours later. Shockingly, the inspection revealed a shortage of essential medical supplies, including antiseptics, gloves, blood, condoms, and medicines.

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Patients at the hospital reported having to purchase their own medications from nearby pharmacies. Ms. Hajira Nairuba, a mother attending to her son, stated that they had to buy all the drugs, including antimalarial and antibiotics, for her son’s treatment. Another patient, Musa Mukwana, had to leave the hospital premises periodically with his mother to get food due to a swollen stomach.

Accompanied by Bugiri District Chief Administrative Officer Mr. Martin Mabandha, the IG team visited Bugiri Medical Services, allegedly owned by Dr. Nakendo. There, they found government medical supplies, including condoms marked “Government of Uganda – Not for sale” and blood packets from the Uganda Blood Bank marked “not for sale.” Despite lacking accreditation to handle blood, Dr. Nakendo’s facility had these items.

Consequently, Ms. Muhairwe ordered the arrest and interdiction of Dr. Nakendo on sight. Employees at Dr. Nakendo’s private facility, including a midwife, nurse, and laboratory assistant, were arrested and handed over to the Bugiri District Police Commander. However, Dr. Nakendo is currently evading arrest and is on the run.

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